Devotion to the Madonna del Carmine: today's plea for graces

O Mary, Mother and Decor of Carmel, on this solemn day we raise our prayers to you and, with the trust of children, we implore your protection.

You know, oh Holy Virgin, the difficulties of our life; turn your gaze upon them and give us the strength to overcome them. The title with which we celebrate you today recalls the place chosen by God to reconcile with the people when, repented, he wanted to return to him. It was from Carmel, in fact, that the prophet Elijah raised the prayer that obtained the refreshing rain after a long drought.

It was a sign of God's forgiveness, which the holy Prophet announced with joy, when he saw the small cloud rising from the sea that soon covered the sky.

In that cloud, O Immaculate Virgin, your children saw you, who raised you most pure from the sea of ​​sinful humanity, and who gave us with Christ the abundance of all good. On this day, once again be a source of graces and blessings for us.

Hello Regina

You recognize, O Mother, as a symbol of our filial devotion, the Scapular that we carry in your honor; to show us your affection you consider it as your garment and as a sign of our consecration to you, in the particular spirituality of Carmel.

We thank you, Mary, for this Scapular that you have given us, so that it may be a defense against the enemy of our soul.

In the moment of temptation and danger, you remind us of the thought of you and your love.

O our Mother, on this day, which remembers your continuous benevolence towards us, we repeat, moved and confidently, the prayer that the Order consecrated to you for centuries has addressed to you:

Flower of Carmel, or flowering vine, splendor of heaven,

you alone are Virgin and Mother.
Sweetest Mother, always unspoiled, to your devotees

gives protection, star of the sea.

May this day, which brings us together at your feet, sign a new impulse of holiness for all of us, for the Church and for Carmel.

We want to renew with your protection the ancient commitment of our fathers, because we too are convinced that "each one must live in respect for Jesus Christ and faithfully serve him with a pure heart and good conscience".

Hello Regina

Your love for the devotees of the Carmelite Scapular is great, Mary. Not content with helping them to live their Christian vocation on earth, you also take care to shorten the pains of purgatory for them, to hasten their entry into heaven.

You truly prove to be the mother of your children fully, because you take care of them whenever they need it. Show therefore, O Queen of Purgatory, your power as Mother of God and of men and help those souls who feel the purifying pain of being distant from that God now known and loved.

We beg you, O Virgin, for the souls of our loved ones and for those who were clothed with your Scapular in life, trying to carry it with devotion and commitment. But we do not want to forget all the other souls who are waiting for the fullness of God's beatific vision. For all of them you obtain that, purified by the redemptive blood of Christ, they are admitted as soon as possible to endless happiness.

We also pray for us, especially for the last moments of our life, when the supreme choice of our eternal destiny is decided. Then take us by the hand, O our Mother, as a guarantee of the grace of salvation.

Hello Regina

We would like to ask you for many other graces, O our sweet Mother! On this day that our fathers dedicated to gratitude for your benefits, we ask you to continue to show yourself generous.

Get us the grace to live away from sin. Deliver us from the evils of spirit and body. Obtain the graces we ask of you for us and for our loved ones. You can grant our requests, and we are confident that you will present them to Jesus, your Son and our Brother.

And now bless everyone, Mother of the Church and decorum of Carmel. Bless the Pope, who leads his Church in the name of Jesus. Bless the bishops, priests and all those the Lord calls to follow him in religious life.

Bless those who suffer in the dryness of the spirit and in the difficulties of life. It enlightens sad souls and warms withered hearts. Support those who carry and teach to bear your Scapular fruitfully, as a reminder to imitate your virtues. Bless and free the souls from purgatory.

Bless all your children, O our Mother and our consoler.

Stay with us always, in weeping and in joy, in sadness and in hope, now and in the moment of our entry into eternity.

May this hymn of thanksgiving and praise become perennial in the happiness of Heaven. Amen.

Holy Mary.