Devotion to Our Lady of Medjugorje: the Church in Mary's messages

Message dated October 10, 1982
Too many base their faith on how priests behave. If the priest doesn't seem up to it, then they say that God doesn't exist. You don't go to church to see how the priest works or to investigate his private life. We go to church to pray and listen to the Word of God which is proclaimed through the priest.

Message dated February 2, 1983
Do your duties well and do what the Church asks you to do!

Message dated October 31, 1985
Dear children, today I invite you to work in the Church. I love you all equally, and I want you all to work, each according to his ability. I know, dear children, that you can but don't do it, because you don't feel up to it. You must be courageous and offer small sacrifices for the Church and for Jesus, so that both are happy. Thanks for answering my call!

Message dated August 15, 1988
Dear children! Today begins a new year: the year of young people. You know that the situation of young people today is very critical. Therefore I recommend that you pray for young people and talk to them because young people today no longer go to church and leave churches empty. Pray for this, because young people have an important role in the Church. Help each other and I will help you. My dear children, go in the peace of the Lord.

April 2, 2005 (Mirjana)
At this moment, I am asking you to renew the Church. Mirjana understood that it was an interview, and replied: This is too difficult for me. Can I do this? Can we do this? Our Lady replies: My children, I will be with you! My apostles, I will be with you and help you! Renew yourself and your families first, and it will be easier for you.Mirijana says: Stay with us, Mother!

June 24, 2005
“Dear children, with joy tonight I invite you to accept and renew my messages. In a special way I invite this parish which at the beginning welcomed me with so much joy. I want this parish to start living my messages and continue to follow me ”.

November 21, 2011 (Ivan)
Dear children, I invite you again today in the moment of grace that is coming. Pray in your families, renew family prayer, and pray for your parish, for your priests, pray for vocations in the Church. Thank you, dear children, because you answered my call tonight.

December 30, 2011 (Ivan)
Dear children, even today the Mother joyfully invites you: be my bearers, the bearers of my messages in this tired world. Live my messages, accept my messages responsibly. Dear children, pray with me for my plans that I want to accomplish. In particular, today I invite you to pray for the unity, for the unity of my Church, of my priests. Dear children, pray, pray, pray. The Mother prays with you and intercedes for all of you before her Son. Thank you, dear children, also today for having welcomed me, for having accepted my messages and because you live my messages.

June 8, 2012 (Ivan)
Dear children, also today I invite you in a particular way: renew my messages, live my messages. Invitation. all of you tonight: pray especially for your parishes from which you come and for your priests. At this time I invite you in a particular way to pray for vocations in the Church. Pray, dear children, pray, pray. Thank you for answering my call today

June 8, 2012 (Ivan)
Dear children, also today I invite you in a particular way: renew my messages, live my messages. Invitation. all of you tonight: pray especially for your parishes from which you come and for your priests. At this time I invite you in a particular way to pray for vocations in the Church. Pray, dear children, pray, pray. Thank you for answering my call today

Message of December 2, 2015 (Mirjana)
Dear children, I am always with you, because my Son has entrusted you to me. And you, my children, you need me, you seek me, come to me and make my motherly Heart rejoice. I have and will always have love for you, for you who suffer and who offer your pains and sufferings to my Son and me. My love seeks the love of all my children and my children seek my love. Through love, Jesus seeks communion between Heaven and earth, between Heavenly Father and you, my children, his Church. Therefore we must pray a lot, pray and love the Church to which you belong. Now the Church suffers and needs apostles who, loving communion, witnessing and giving, show the ways of God. She needs apostles who, living the Eucharist with the heart, perform great works. He needs you, my apostles of love. My children, the Church has been persecuted and betrayed since its beginnings, but has grown day by day. It is indestructible, because my Son gave her a heart: the Eucharist. The light of her resurrection has shone and will shine on her. So don't be afraid! Pray for your shepherds, that they may have the strength and love to be bridges of salvation. Thank you!