Devotion to the Guardian Angel: its beauty, its purpose

Angelic beauty.

Although the Angels do not have a body, they can nevertheless take on a sensitive appearance. In fact, they have appeared quite a few times cloaked in light and with wings, to manifest the speed with which they can go from one end of the universe to the other to carry out the orders of God.

St. John the Evangelist, rapt in ecstasy, as he himself wrote in the book of Revelation, saw before him an Angel, but of such majesty and beauty, for which he believed God was himself, prostrated himself to adore him. But the Angel said to him, "Get up; I am a creature of God, I am a fellow of yours ».

If such is the beauty of only one Angel, who can express the overall beauty of billions and billions of these most noble creatures?

Purpose of this creation.

The good is diffusive. Those who are happy and good, want others to share in their happiness. God, happiness in essence, wanted to create the Angels to make them blessed, that is, partakers of his own bliss.

The Lord also created the Angels to receive their homages and to use them in the implementation of his divine designs.


In the first phase of creation, the Angels were sinful, that is, they were not yet confirmed in grace. At that time God wanted to test the faithfulness of the heavenly court, to have a sign of particular love and humble subjection. The proof, as St. Thomas Aquinas says, could only be the manifestation of the mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God, that is, the Second Person of the SS. Trinity would become man and the Angels would have to worship Jesus Christ, God and man. But Lucifer said: I will not serve him! and, using the other Angels who shared his idea, waged a great battle in heaven.

Angels, willing to obey God, led by St. Michael the Archangel, fought against Lucifer and his followers, shouting: "Salute to our God! ».

We don't know how long this fight lasted. St. John the Evangelist who saw the scene of the celestial struggle reproduce in the vision of the Apocalypse, wrote that St. Michael the Archangel had the upper hand over Lucifer.