Devotion to the souls of Purgatory to be done every day

For this pious devotion we can use a common crown of five posts or tens,

covering it twice, to form the hundred Requiem.

We start by reciting a Pater noster,

and then a dozen Requiem on the ten small grains of the crown,

finally of which we will say about the following wheat:

My Jesus, mercy of the Souls of Purgatory,

and especially of the Soul of NN and the most abandoned Soul.

At the end of the ten dozen (or the hundred) of Requiem, the De profundis is said:

From deep to You I cry, Lord,
Lord listen to my voice!
Let your ears be attentive
to the voice of my prayer.

If you consider sins, Lord,
Sir, who will survive?
But with you is forgiveness,
and we will have your fear.

I hope in the Lord,
my soul hopes in his word,
my soul awaits the Lord
more than sentinels the dawn.

Israel await the Lord,
because with the Lord is mercy
redemption is great with him.

The Lord will redeem Israel
from all his faults.