Devotion, chaplet and invocation to the guardian angel

Devotion to the Guardian Angel

Who are the Angels.

Angels are pure spirits created by God to form his heavenly court and be the executors of his orders. Part of them prevailed, rebelling against God, and they became demons. God entrusts to the good angels the custody of the Church, of the nations, of the cities and also every soul has its Guardian Angel.

The Corners and Jesus or Mary.

According to some theologians, the Incarnation would have occurred, albeit in another way, even without sin. In this case the Angels would be indebted to Christ for grace and glory and therefore they too would be like us spiritual children of Mary. In any case, however, it is certain that they owe much of their accidental glory to them and now in heaven they join Christ, the only Mediator of religion, to praise, adore and glorify the divine Majesty, happy to be able to give greater value to the their adorations: Per quem maiestatem tuam laudant Angeli, adorant Dominationes, tremunt Protestates.

They also recognize Christ for their King and Maria SS. for them Regina, happy to be the ticklish and faithful executors of their orders and to do their utmost to defend and help their servants.

We must venerate all the Angels as our older brothers and our future companions in heaven; imitate their obedience, purity and love of God. In particular, we must be devotees of him to whose care the goodness of God has entrusted us. We owe him respect for his presence, love and gratitude for his benevolence, confidence for the wise, powerful, patient and loving care he has of us.

Consecrate in his honor especially on Monday or Tuesday.

Invocations to the 9 Choirs of the Angels

1.) Most holy angels and animated by the most ardent zeal for our salvation, especially you who are our custodians and protectors, do not tire of watching over us, and defending ourselves at all times and in all places. Tre Gloria and the ejaculatory services:

Angels, Archangels, Thrones and Dominations, Principalities and Powers, Heavenly Virtues, Cherubim and Seraphim, bless the Lord forever.

2.) Most noble archangels, deign to guide us and direct our steps among the precipices from which we are surrounded on all sides.

3.) Sublime principalities, which you oversee empires and provinces, we beseech you to govern our souls and our bodies yourself, helping us to walk in the ways of justice.

4.) Invincible powers, defend us from the assaults of the devil who constantly revolves around us to devour us.

5.) Heavenly virtues, have mercy on our weakness, and ask the Lord for us the strength and courage to patiently suffer the adversities and evils of this life.

6.) High dominations, reign over our spirits and hearts, and help us to know and faithfully fulfill the will of God.

7.) Supreme thrones, upon which the Almighty rests, obtain peace with God, with our neighbor and with ourselves.

8.) Wise cherubim, dispel the darkness of our souls and make the divine light shine in our eyes, so that we can understand the way of salvation well.

9.) Inflamed seraphim, always ardent with the love of God, light the fire of those who make you blessed in our souls.

Chaplet of the Guardian Angel

1.) My most loving Guardian Angel, I thank you for the special concern with which you have always waited and await all my spiritual and temporal interests, and I beg you to deign to thank me for Divine Providence which was pleased to entrust me to the protection of a Prince of Paradise. Glory…

Angel of God, who you are my custodian, today enlightens, guards, rules and governs me, who was entrusted to you by heavenly piety. Amen.

2.) My most loving Guardian Angel, I humbly ask you for forgiveness for all the disgust I have given you by violating the law of God in your presence despite your inspirations and admonitions, and I ask you to obtain the grace to amend all due penitence my past failings, to always grow in the fervor of divine service, and to always have a great devotion to Maria SS. who is the mother of holy perseverance. Glory…

Angel of God, who you are my custodian, today enlightens, guards, rules and governs me, who was entrusted to you by heavenly piety. Amen.

3.) My most loving Guardian Angel, I implore you instantly to double your holy concern towards me, so that by overcoming all the obstacles encountered in the way of virtue, I will free myself from all the miseries that oppress my soul, and, persevering in the respect due to your presence, he always feared your reproaches, and faithfully following your holy advice, you deserve one day to enjoy together with you and with all the Heavenly Court the ineffable consolations prepared by God for the elect. Glory…

Angel of God, who you are my custodian, today enlightens, guards, rules and governs me, who was entrusted to you by heavenly piety. Amen.

PRAYER. Powerful and eternal God, who, as a result of your ineffable goodness, you have given us all a Guardian Angel, may I have all respect and love for that which your mercy has granted me; and protected by your graces and his powerful help, you deserve to come one day to the heavenly homeland to contemplate with him your infinite greatness. For Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.