Devotion of the thirty days of prayer to Saint Joseph

It is a particular tribute paid to St. Joseph, to honor his person and to deserve his patronage.

We recommend reciting these prayers for thirty consecutive days, in memory of the thirty years of life lived by St. Joseph in the company of Jesus Christ, Son of God.

The graces that are obtained from God are without number, turning to St. Joseph.
Saint Teresa of Jesus said: "Whoever wants to believe, try it, so that you can persuade yourself". To propitiate the help of St. Joseph more easily, it is good to accompany these prayers with the promise of an offer for the cult of the Saint.
It is good to also have a pious thought for the Souls of Purgatory and to approach the Holy Sacraments in a spirit of penance and propitiation. With the same concern with which we dry the tears of the poor who needs help, we can hope that St. Joseph will dry our tears. So it will be that the mantle of his patronage will be mercifully spread over us and will be a valid defense against all dangers, so that we can all reach, with the grace of the Lord, the port of eternal salvation.
St. Joseph smiles propitiously and always bless us.
St. Joseph, comfort of the troubled, pray for us!

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Jesus, Joseph and Mary, I give you my heart and soul.

3 Glory to the SS. Trinity.
(thanking her for exalting St. Joseph to a completely exceptional dignity.)


1. Here I am, O Grand Patriarch, prostrated devoutly before you. I present to you this precious mantle and at the same time I offer you the purpose of my faithful and sincere devotion. All that I will be able to do in your honor, during my life, I intend to do it, to show you the love I bring you. Help me, St. Joseph! Assist me now and in all my life, but above all assist me at the hour of my death, as you were assisted by Jesus and Mary, so that I may one day honor you in the heavenly homeland for all eternity. Amen.

2. O glorious Patriarch St. Joseph, prostrate before you, I present my gifts with devotion and begin to offer you this precious collection of prayers, in memory of the innumerable virtues that adorn your holy person. In you the mysterious dream of the ancient Joseph, who was an anticipated figure of yours, was fulfilled: not only, in fact, the divine Sun surrounded you with its shining rays, but I also illuminated your mystical Moon, Mary with its sweet light. Oh, glorious Patriarch, if the example of Jacob, who went personally to rejoice with his beloved son, exalted over the throne of Egypt, served to drag his children there too, the example of Jesus and of Mary, who honored you with all their esteem and all their trust, to draw me as well, to weave this precious mantle in your honor? Oh, great Saint, make the Lord turn a look of benevolence on me. And as the ancient Joseph did not drive away the guilty brothers, on the contrary he welcomed them full of love, protected them and saved them from hunger and death, so you, o glorious Patriarch, through your intercession, make the Lord never want abandon myself in this valley of exile. In addition, obtain the grace to always keep me in the number of your devoted servants, who live peacefully under the mantle of your patronage. I wish to have this patronage for every day of my life and at the moment of my last breath. Amen.


1. Hail, glorious St. Joseph, custodian of the incomparable treasures of Heaven and putative father of the One who feeds all creatures. After Mary Most Holy, you are the most worthy saint of our love and deserving of our veneration. Of all the Saints, you alone had the honor of raising, guiding, feeding and embracing the Messiah, whom so many Prophets and Kings had desired to see. St. Joseph, save my soul and obtain for me from divine mercy the grace that I humbly implore. And also for the blessed Souls of Purgatory you get great relief in their pains.

3 Glory be to the Father.

2. O mighty St. Joseph, you were declared universal patron of the Church, and I invoke you among all the saints, as a very strong protector of the poor and I bless your heart a thousand times, always ready to help all sorts of needs. To you, dear St. Joseph, the widow, the orphan, the abandoned, the afflicted, all sorts of unfortunate people appeal; there is no pain, distress or disgrace that you have not mercifully helped. Therefore, deign to use in my favor the means that God has placed in your hands, so that I may attain the grace that I ask of you. And you, holy souls of Purgatory, beg St. Joseph for me.

3 Glory be to the Father.

3. To many thousands of people who prayed to you before me you have given comfort and peace, thanks and favors. My soul, sad and grieved, finds no rest in the midst of the distress from which it is oppressed. You, dear Saint, know all my needs, before I even expose them with prayer. You know how much I need the grace that I ask of you. I bow down before you and sigh, dear St. Joseph, under the heavy weight that oppresses me. No human heart is open to me, to whom my pains can confide; and even if I were to find compassion with some charitable soul, it could never help me. I therefore appeal to you and hope that you will not reject me, since St. Teresa said and left written in her memoirs: "Any grace asked of St. Joseph will certainly be granted". Oh! St. Joseph, comforter of the afflicted, have mercy on my pain and pity on the holy souls of Purgatory, who hope so much from our prayers.

3 Glory be to the Father.

4. O exalted Saint, for your most perfect obedience to God, have mercy on me. For your holy life full of merits, grant me.
For your dearest Name, help me.
For your very heart, help me.
For your holy tears, comfort me.
For your seven pains, have compassion on me.
For your seven rejoices, console my heart.
Free me from all evil of body and soul.
From every danger and misfortune escape me.
Help me with your holy protection and impetrate me, in your mercy and power, what I need and above all the grace that I particularly need. To the dear souls of Purgatory you get the prompt release from their pains.

3 Glory be to the Father.

5. O glorious St. Joseph there are countless graces and favors, which you obtain for the poor afflicted. Sick people of all kinds, oppressed, slandered, betrayed, deprived of any human comfort, wretched in need of bread or support, implore your royal protection and are answered in their questions. Deh! do not allow, O dearest Saint Joseph, that I have to be the only one among so many benefited people, who remains deprived of the grace that I have asked of you. Show yourself also powerful and generous towards me, and I, thanking you, will exclaim: "Long live the glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph, my great protector and particular liberator of the holy souls of Purgatory".

3 Glory be to the Father.

6. O eternal divine Father, by the merits of Jesus and Mary, deign to grant me the grace that I implore. In the name of Jesus and Mary, I prostrate myself reverently in your divine presence and I pray to you devoutly to accept my firm decision to persevere in the ranks of those who live under the patronage of St. Joseph. So bless the precious mantle, which I dedicate to him today as a pledge of my devotion.

3 Glory be to the Father.


O Glorious Saint Joseph, who by God was placed at the head and guardian of the holiest of families, deigned to be from heaven guardian of my soul, who asks to be received under the mantle of your patronage. From this moment on, I elect you as father, protector, guide, and I place my soul, my body, how much I have and how much I am, my life and death under your special custody. Look at me as your son; defend me from all my visible and invisible enemies; assist me in all needs: console me in all the bitterness of life, but especially in the agonies of death. Speak a word for me to that amiable Redeemer, whom you carried as a Child on your arms, to that glorious Virgin, of whom you were the most direct husband. Impetrate on me those blessings that you see to be useful for my true good, for my eternal salvation, and I will do everything not to make myself unworthy of your special patronage. Amen.