Devotion of October 3, 2020: the Holy Trinity


repeat a prayer of your choice for nine days in a row


I adore you, O God in three persons, I humble myself before your majesty. You alone are the Being, the way, the beauty, the goodness.

I glorify you, I praise you, I thank you, I love you, although I am completely incapable and unworthy, in union with your dear Son Jesus Christ, our Savior and our Father, in the mercy of his Heart and for his infinite merits. I want to serve you, please you, obey you and always love you, with Mary Immaculate, Mother of God and our Mother, also loving and helping my neighbor for your love. Give me your Holy Spirit to enlighten me, correct me and guide me in the way of your commandments, and in true perfection, waiting for the bliss of heaven, where we will always glorify you. So be it.

(300 day indulgence)

Blessed be the Trinity and the indivisible Unity: we will praise her, for she worked her mercy with us.

Lord, our Lord, how magnificent is your name for all the earth!

Glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, and now, and always, and forever and ever. So be it.

Blessed be the Trinity and the indivisible Unity: we will praise her, for she worked her mercy with us.


of S. Agostino

My soul adores you, my heart blesses you and my mouth praises you, holy and indivisible Trinity: Eternal Father, only Son and loved by the Father, consoling Spirit who proceed from their mutual love. O Almighty God, although I am only the least of your servants and the most imperfect member of your Church, I praise and glorify you. I invoke you, Holy Trinity, to come to me to give me life, and to make of my poor heart a temple worthy of your glory and your holiness. O Eternal Father, I pray to you for your beloved Son; o Jesus, I beg you for your Father; o Holy Spirit, I implore you in the name of the Love of the Father and the Son: increase faith, hope and charity in me. Make my faith effective, my hope secure and my fruitful charity. Let him make me worthy of eternal life with the innocence of my life and with the sanctity of my customs, so that one day he can unite my voice with that of the blessed spirits, to sing with them, for all eternity: Glory to the Eternal Father, who created us; Glory to the Son, who regenerated us with the bloody sacrifice of the Cross; Glory to the Holy Spirit, who sanctifies us with the outpouring of his graces.

Honor and glory and blessing to the holy and adorable Trinity for all centuries. So be it.


Adorable trinity, God only in three persons, we prostrate ourselves before you! The angels radiating from your light cannot sustain its splendor; they veil their faces and humble themselves in the presence of your infinite Majesty. Allow the miserable inhabitants of the earth to combine their worship with those of the heavenly spirits. Father, Creator of the world, be blessed by the work of your hands! Incarnate Word, Redeemer of the world, receive the praise of those for whom you have shed your most precious Blood! Holy Spirit, source of grace and principle of love, be glorified in the souls who are your temple! But alas! Lord, I hear the blasphemies of unbelievers who do not want to know you, of the wicked who insult you, of sinners who despise your law, your love, your gifts. O most powerful Father, we detest such audacity and offer you, with our weak prayers, the perfect adoration of your Christ! O Jesus, tell Heavenly Father again that you forgive them, because they don't know what they are doing! Holy Spirit, change their hearts and inflame ours with ardent zeal for the honor of God. Father, Son and Holy Spirit finally reign with love both on earth and in heaven. Hymns of blessing, incense of prayers, treats of faithfulness rise everywhere. The Holy Trinity is always praised, served and honored by all creatures in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.