Devotion of the day: having Christian hope

Hope for the forgiveness of sins. After committing the sin, why do you let despair affect your heart? Of course, the presumption of saving yourself without merit is bad; but, when you have repented, when the confessor is reassured, in the name of God, of forgiveness, why do you still doubt and distrust? God himself declares himself your Father, he extends his arms to you, opens your side ... In whatever abyss you have fallen, always hopes in Jesus.

Hope of Heaven. How not to hope if God wanted to promise us? Also consider your inability to reach that high: your ingratitude to the calls of the Heavens, and to divine benefits: the innumerable sins, your lukewarm life that make you unworthy to obtain Heaven… All right; but, when you think of the goodness of God, of the Precious Blood of Jesus, of his infinite Merits that he applies to you to make up for your miseries, isn't hope born in your heart, rather, almost the certainty of reaching Heaven?

Hope for everything necessary. Why, in tribulations, do you say you are forsaken by God? Why do you doubt in the midst of temptations? Why do you have so little faith in God in your needs? O you of little faith, why do you doubt? Jesus said to Peter. God is faithful, nor will He allow you temptation beyond your strength. wrote S, Paolo. Don't you remember that confidence was always rewarded by Jesus, in the Canaanite, in the Samaritan woman, in the Centurion, etc.? The more you hope, the more you will get.

PRACTICE. - Repeat throughout the day: Lord, I hope in you. My Jesus, mercy!