Devotion of the day: fighting temptation

Temptations of the flesh. Our life is temptation. wrote Job. Except for Mary, there was no saint who, weeping like St. Paul, did not exclaim: “Me unhappy, who will free me from this body of death?”. The flesh flatters, tempts: from every little spark it catches a flame to tempt us, inciting us to evil, withdrawing us from good. Perhaps you too cry for so many temptations, fearing to fall! Loud cries: Father, lead us not into temptation!

Temptations of the world. Everything is malice in the world, danger, invitation to evil; the world now invites you to enjoy: and you, deceived by false promises, yield; now he withdraws you from good with the fear of human respect, of the chatter of others: and you, shy, adapt to his wishes; now it persecutes you, slanders you and leads you to evil… It is your duty to flee the world and the near occasions of sin, in order not to fall; but it is not enough: you must pray to God not to let yourself fall into temptation.

Temptations of the devil. St. Anthony in the Thebaid, St. Jerome in Bethlehem, St. Francis de Sales. St. Teresa, what temptations they endured from the enemy, who is always like a lion, in search of prey! Who tempts your soul with such impetus, night and day, alone or in company? Who makes the simplest things, the most innocent occasions dangerous for you? - The devil who always works your ruin. Weak soul, pray to God not to allow you to consent to temptation.

PRACTICE. - In every temptation, look confidently to God; recites three Pater for the dying