Devotion of the day: forgiveness of enemies

Forgiveness of enemies. The maxims of the world and the Gospel are diametrically opposed on this point. The world calls dishonor, cowardice, baseness of mind, forgiveness; pride says it is impossible to feel injury and tolerate it with indifference! Jesus says: Return good for evil; to those who slap you, turn the other cheek: even the kind knows how to give good to benefactors, you do it to your enemies. And do you listen to Christ or the world?

Forgiveness is greatness of mind. Nobody denies that forgiving everything to everyone and always, is hard and difficult for the pride of the heart; but the harsher the difficulty, the greater and more meritorious the sacrifice. Even the lion and the tiger know how to take revenge; the true greatness of mind lies in overcoming oneself. Forgiveness is by no means lowering yourself in front of a man; rather, it is to rise above him with a noble generosity. Revenge is always cowardly! And you have never done it?

Command of Jesus. Although it seems hard to forgive, to forget, to reciprocate the enemy with goodness, nevertheless a glance at the cradle, at the life, at the cross, at the words of Jesus is not enough to find forgiveness less difficult? Are you still a follower of Jesus who dies forgiving the crucifiers themselves, if you don't forgive? Remember your debts, Jesus says: I will forgive you, if you forgive; if not, you will no longer have a father for her in Heaven; my Blood will cry out against you. If you think about it, can you harbor any hatred?

PRACTICE. - Forgive everyone for love of God; recite three Powers for those who offended you.