Devotion of the day: respect for people

Ruins of human respect. Where does this tyrant of hearts not reveal himself? Who can say frankly: I never neglect the good, I never adapt to evil, out of human respect? In society we laugh, talk, work like others, for fear of a sardonic smile. How many would convert, but… dare not face the rumors of the world. In the family, in the practices of piety, in correcting, how well human respect prevents! Don't you ever give in to the idol of fear?

Cowardice of human respect. What is this world that you fear so much? Are they all the men in the world, or the better part? First of all, few know you and see you; then, among these, the good ones praise you for doing well; only some bad ones, ignorant of the things of God, will laugh at you; and you fear them? And yet, you don't fear them to fret, for temporal affairs. They will say of you that you are devoted; But isn't it praise for you? They will tell you a few sharp words…! How cheap you are if you surrender your weapons for a word!

Condemnation of human respect. Three judges prove it again: 1 / your conscience which feels dejected after having yielded to him; 2 ° your Religion which is the Faith of the strong and the brave, is the Faith of many millions of martyrs; and you, soldier of Christ, don't you realize that, yielding to human respect, you desert the holy flag? 3 ° Jesus. Your captain, who proclaimed that he will be ashamed of anyone who is ashamed of showing himself to be his follower! Think carefully.

PRACTICE. - Recite the Creed as a profession of your Faith. Discuss how to win human respect