Devotion of the day: imitating the purity of Mary

Immaculate purity of Mary. A spotless white lily, the whiteness of the snow that sparkles in the sun's rays: these are the symbols of the purity of the Heart of Mary. By a singular privilege of God, the devil could do nothing over the virgin's intemate soul; never a slightest stain nor tarnished the virginal whiteness. This grace, proportionate to your state, can be obtained with prayer and vigilance; and Mary enjoys introducing us to the purity, so pleasing to her.

Voluntary purity of Mary. How much she loved purity, deduce it from the flight of the world, from the modesty of the trait, from the mortified life, to avoid the incentives of sin; I deduce it from His disposition to rather renounce the honor of being the Mother of Jesus, if this was to the detriment of His virginity, And how much do you esteem purity? How do you guard against the dangers of losing it? Are you modest in everything and always?

Difficulty of keeping ourselves pure. Since purity is such a beautiful virtue that it is similar to Angels, so dear to Jesus, and so rewarded in Heaven, with how much study we must keep it in thought, in words, in actions! ... But it is a very fragile virtue: just a breath is enough to tarnish it, just an instant of consent to the temptation to lose it. The devil and our flesh are terrible enemies of purity. Do you fight them with prayer and mortification as Jesus says?

PRACTICE. - Say three Hail Marys, Repeat: Most pure Virgin, pray for us. Examine your purity.