Devotion of the day: pray to Jesus, tell him he changes your heart

The harmonies of the Angels. It was midnight: all of nature rested in silence, and no one thought of the two pilgrims from Nazareth, without a hotel in Bethlehem. Mary kept watch in prayer, when the hut lights up, a cry is heard: Jesus is born. Suddenly, the Angels come down to court him, and on the harp they sing: Glory to God, and peace to men. What a great celebration for Heaven! What a joy for the earth! And will you be cold, knowing that Jesus is born, is he wailing for you?

The visit of the shepherds. Who was ever invited to visit Jesus first? Maybe Herod or the emperor of Rome? Maybe the big capitalists? Perhaps the scholars of the synagogue? No: Jesus poor, humble and hidden, disdain the pomp of the world. Few shepherds who watched over their flocks around Bethlehem were the first to be invited to the hut; humble and despised shepherds like Jesus; poor in gold, but rich in virtues; vigilant, that is, fervent ... Therefore the humble, the virtuous, the fervent, are those that the Child likes ...

The gift of the shepherds. Admire the Faith of the shepherds as they approach and enter the hut. They see only rough walls, they contemplate only a Child similar to the others, placed on the straw. But the Angel spoke; and they prostrate themselves at the foot of the crib, adoring God in swaddling clothes. They offer him simple gifts, but they give him their heart to take him back holy and in love with God. And you won't offer your heart to Jesus? Won't you beg him to become a saint?

PRACTICE. - Five Pater to Jesus; tell him to change your heart.