Devotion of the day: pray to St. John and ask for purity and Charity

He is called the beloved disciple. Jesus loved all the Apostles, but St. John was the favorite, almost the dearest to the Redeemer, not only because he was the youngest, but more because he was a virgin; two qualities that ravished the heart of Jesus in favor of the apostle John. Therefore young people of age who give themselves to God become His favorites! You understand it? Do not delay… Furthermore, the pure, the virgins, are always dear to God. Never lose your purity, angelic virtue.

Privileges of St. John. The darling always has a special caress for himself. John not only enjoyed the presence, teachings, miracles of Jesus like the other Apostles, not only was he admitted among the three faithful to the transfiguration of Tabor and the agonies of Gethsemane: but moreover, in the Upper Room he slept a sleep of love , on the chest of Jesus! How much he learned in that hour! Even more: John was given by Jesus to Mary as an adopted son… Do you want spiritual caresses? Love Jesus and Mary, and you will have them.

The Charity of St. John. It was so much Love that bound him to Jesus, that he could no longer separate himself from him. S. Giovanni found him in the Oliveto at the moment of Jesus' arrest; I find in the atrium of the Pontiff; and you see it on Golgotha ​​in the last hours of the Divine Patient! In his writings he speaks of Charity, of Love; and old held still always preach Charity. Is Love fervent in you? Are you united with Jesus? Do you love your neighbor?

PRACTICE. - Recite three Pater to the Saint: ask him for purity and charity.