Devotion of the day: recite the acts of faith, win human respect

The virtues of this saint. The Saints did not wait for the last moments of life to practice virtue; they did not say: tomorrow, but starting in time, when death came, they were willing, calm and happy. St. Stephen was still young, but in the Church he already shone as a man of living Faith: full of God's grace, strength, wisdom and the Holy Spirit. What a beautiful praise! What do they say about you? When are you waiting to change your life?

The courage of St. Stephen. You who are afraid of a smile, of a word, you who, out of human respect, neglect good or consent to evil, look at young Stephen in the middle of the synagogue. The evil ones are many and powerful who dispute with him: and Stephen defends the truth, intrepid. They slander him: and Stefano remains undeterred. They condemn him to martyrdom: and Stephen confronts him without giving up a step. These are the true Christians! And you falter and give in at the first bump?

The martyrdom of St. Stephen. The young deacon aims, while the stones thrown at him kill him; he. hilarious in the face, looks at Heaven, seeing Jesus who awaits him at the prize, folds to the ground! knee, and first asks forgiveness for his stoners, then recommends himself to God: Lord Jesus, receive my spirit; so saying expires. What beautiful maxims for dying as a saint! 1 ° Look often at Heaven; 2 ° pray for everyone; 3 ° abandon yourself in the hands of God ... Medital ...

PRACTICE. - Recite the acts of Faith etc .; win human respect