Devotion of the day: repeat often "Jesus I want to be all yours"

Hidden life of the Child Jesus. Return to the foot of the cradle of Bethlehem; look at Jesus who, like the other children, now sleeps, now opens his eyes and looks at Joseph and Mary, now he cries, and now laughs. Doesn't this seem like a mutile life for a God? Why does Jesus subject himself to the conditions of the child? Why doesn't he attract the world with miracles? Jesus replies: I sleep, but the Heart watches; my Life is hidden, but my work is incessant.

The prayer of the Child Jesus. Every instant of the Life of Jesus, because it was undertaken out of obedience, because he lived entirely and solely for the glory of the Father, was a prayer of praise, it was an act of satisfaction for us aimed at appeasing divine justice; from the cradle, it can be said that Jesus, even asleep, saved the world. Who knows how to say the sighs, the offerings, the sacrifices he made to the Father? From the cradle he was crying for us: he was our lawyer.

Lesson of the hidden life. We seek appearances not only in the world, but also in holiness. If we do not perform miracles, if we are not marked with a finger, if we do not show up often in church, we do not seem to be saints! Jesus teaches us to seek internal holiness: silence, recollection, living for the glory of God, attending exactly to our duty, but for love of God; the prayer of the heart, that is the acts of love of God, the offerings, the sacrifices; uniformity with God in thulium. Why don't you look for this, which is true holiness?

PRACTICE. - Repeat today- Jesus, I want to be all yours.