Devotion of the day: the usefulness of fervor in God

It is a source of virtue and merit. The lukewarm lets a thousand opportunities for virtue slip out of hand; and in the evening he becomes aware of his poverty! The fervent man clings to everything to grow in goodness: purity of intention, prayer, sacrifices, patience, charity, exactness in duty: and how many virtues he exercises! And, given that the merit of the actions depends above all on the reason and the ardor with which they are done, how many merits are possible in one day!

It is a source of new graces. On whom will the Lord cast his gaze of complacency? On whom will he spread his treasures, if not on faithful souls, grateful and willing to make good use of them? Ungrateful souls, sinners enemies of God, each time receive unlimited graces; but how much more must holy, humble, fervent souls, always united to God, who yearn for him and live for him, must obtain! How do you live?

It is a source of peace and consolation. Love lightens every burden, and makes every yoke sweet and sweet. Nothing costs those who love a lot. Where did the Saints get that deep peace in the midst of opposition? That holy trust that made them rest in God: that joy between sacrifices and that holy sweetness of heart worthy of envy? What ever one day made us so happy and content? The crosses themselves were easy; nothing frightened us!… In that of we were fervent and all of God; now everything is heavy! Why?… We are lukewarm.

PRACTICE. - Do three acts of fervent love: Jesus, my God, I breathe you above everything.