Devotion today January 1, 2021 - the beginning of the good news about Jesus

Scripture reading - Mark 1: 1-8

The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God. — Mark 1: 1

In today's consumer market, books need a bold title, an eye-catching cover, smart content, and sleek graphics. Two thousand years ago, books were not published, marketed and purchased as they are today. They were written on scrolls and most people did not have access to them unless they were read aloud in public.

Marco's book doesn't have a flashy cover or title, but it certainly has compelling content. It is the “good news about Jesus.. . the Son of God ", and opens with a sentence that reminds people of the very first words of Scripture:" In the beginning. . . "(Genesis 1: 1). Genesis speaks of the beginning of creation and Mark speaks of “the beginning of the good news about Jesus”.

Furthermore, we find that Mark's gospel (“good news”) is the beginning of a story that goes far beyond the few years of Jesus' work and ministry on earth. Indeed, this is the beginning of the greatest history in the world extending to 2021 and beyond. And by reading this gospel we are challenged to discover how and where this story changes everything for us today. This is where the story begins, and this is where our lives begin to have meaning.

Today we are starting a new year and in Mark we discover the beginning of the foundations for a new life in Christ.


Dear God, thank you for sending Jesus Christ and for telling us about him. May we all discover some fresh and new ways we can honor you and live for you in 2021. Amen.