Today's devotion to Jesus in the Eucharist: what it means to worship and how to do it

Eucharistic adoration is a time spent in prayer before the sacrament of the Eucharist solemnly exposed.

It is the intrinsic relationship between man and God, of the intelligent creature with its Creator. Men and angels must worship God. In heaven, all the blessed souls of saints and holy angels worship God. Whenever we adore we join heaven and bring our little heaven to earth.

Worship is the only worship due only to God. When Satan tried to tempt Jesus in the desert he offered him all the kingdoms, all the power of this world if he had worshiped him. Satan, in his pride of madness, demands adoration due to God. Jesus replied with the Scripture: "Only God will you worship and only you will worship him.

It is the highest act of a human creature towards its Creator, to put himself at his feet in an attitude of filial listening and praise, reverence and acceptance of all that comes from Him, in the awareness that only He is enough and only He counts .

Those who worship place the highest God and Creator and Savior of the whole universe at the center of their attention and heart.

To worship is to let oneself be loved by God in order to learn to love others. To worship is to enter the experience of Paradise, to be more concrete in history.

The Divine Person of Our Lord Jesus Christ, present in the Blessed Sacrament, wants us to speak to him; in turn He will speak to us. Everyone can speak to Our Lord; isn't it there for everyone? Did he not say, "Come to me, all of you"?

This conversation that is intertwined between the soul and our Lord is precisely true Eucharistic meditation, it is adoration. Worship is a grace for all. But in order not to waste it and not fall into the misfortune of doing it out of habit, and to avoid the aridity of spirit and heart, worshipers must be inspired by the particular attraction of grace, the mysteries of the life of Our Lord, of the Most Holy Virgin. , or to the virtues of the Saints, with the aim of honoring the God of the Eucharist for all the virtues of his mortal life, and for the virtues of all the Saints, of whom he was once the grace and the end, and it is now the crown of glory.

Calculate that hour of adoration that has touched you, like an hour of Paradise; go there as you go to heaven, as you go to the divine banquet, and it will be desired and greeted with transport. Feed your desire gently in your heart. Say to yourself: “For four hours, for two, for an hour I will be at an audience of grace and love, with Our Lord; it was he who invited me, now he awaits me, he wants me ”.

When you have an hour that costs labor for nature, rejoice, your love will be greater because it will be more suffering: it is a privileged hour, which will be counted for two.

When, due to illness, illness or impossibility, it is not possible to make your hour of adoration, let your heart become sad for a moment, then put yourself in spiritual adoration, in union with those who in the meantime are dedicated to adoration . Then in the bed of your pain, on the road, or during the occupation you are holding, you are in more concentrated recollection; and you will receive the same fruit that if you could have worshiped at the feet of the Good Master: this hour will be counted in your favor, and perhaps even doubled.

Go to Our Lord as you are; your meditation is natural. Draw from your individual patrimony of piety and love, before thinking about using books; love the inexhaustible book of loving humility. It is certainly a good thing that a good book accompanies you, to get you back on track when the spirit wants to stray and the senses doze off; but keep in mind that our Good Master prefers the poverty of our heart to even the most sublime thoughts and affections borrowed from others.

Know that Our Lord wants your heart, not that of others; he wants the thought and prayer of this heart, as a natural expression of our love for Him. The unwillingness to go to Our Lord with our own misery or humiliated poverty is often the result of a subtle self-love, of impatience and laziness; yet it is precisely what our Lord prefers, loves and blesses more than anything else.

Are you going through dry days? Glorify the grace of God, without which you cannot do anything. Then turn your soul to heaven, as the flower opens its cup at sunrise, to welcome the beneficial dew.

Are you in a state of absolute impotence? Is the spirit in darkness, the heart under the weight of one's nothingness, is the body suffering? Then do the adoration of the poor; get out of your poverty and go to settle in our Lord. Offer him your poverty to enrich him: this is a masterpiece worthy of his glory.

Temptation, sadness troubles you? Does everything disgust you, does everything lead you to neglect worship, under the pretext that you would offend God, that you would dishonor him instead of serving him? Don't listen to this specious temptation. Your Good Master who looks at you, wants from you the homage of perseverance, until the last minute of the time that we must consecrate to him.

Confidence, therefore, simplicity and love always accompany you in adoration.

Who can worship

Who wants to find a time to give to God to be with him for his own good and for the good of all humanity which, in those who worship, is represented.

How you adore it

He adores himself by making an effort to keep silence within and around himself, to allow God to communicate with our heart and our heart to communicate with God.

The gaze is fixed on the Eucharist, which is the living sign of the love that Jesus has for us, we meditate on the mystery of the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus, who in the Eucharist gives us his real and substantial presence .

You can pray in various ways, but the best way is a prayer of silent meditation on the mystery of Love with which Jesus loved us, so much so as to give his life and his Blood for us.

Where he loves

In a chapel created on purpose, in a part of the church where there is a quiet and intimate place where the Sacrament of the Eucharist is exposed and where others are also gathered to pray individually or as a community.

In this way an oasis of peace and prayer is created that gives us the joy of Heaven.

When to worship

At any time of the day, or night; in the deepest joy or the most acute pain.

With peace in the heart or in the height of anguish.

At the beginning of life or at the end.

When you have energy and when we can't take it anymore; in full health, or in illness.

When our spirit overflows with love, or in the height of aridity.

Before important decisions, or to thank God for making them.

When we are strong, or when we are weak. In faithfulness, or in sin.

Why worship

Because only God is worthy to receive all our praise and adoration forever.

To say thank you to God for all that he has given us since before we existed.

To enter into the secret of God's love, which is revealed to us when we are before him.

To intercede for all humanity.

To find rest and let ourselves be refreshed by God.

To ask for forgiveness for our sins and for those of the whole world.

To pray for peace and justice in the world and unity among all Christians.

To ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Gospel in all nations.

To pray for our enemies and to have the strength to forgive them.

To heal from all our illnesses, physical and spiritual and to have the strength to resist against evil.
