Today's devotion: we ask Mary for blessing in difficult times


with the invocation of Mary Help of Christians

Our help is in the name of the Lord.

He made heaven and earth.

Ave Maria,..

Under your protection we seek refuge, holy Mother of God: do not despise the supplications of us who are in trial; and free us from every danger, or always glorious and blessed Virgin.

Mary help of Christians.

Pray for us.

Lord listen to my prayer.

And my cry reaches you.

The Lord be with you.

And with your spirit.

Let's pray.

O God, almighty and eternal, who by the work of the Holy Spirit prepared the body and soul of the glorious Virgin and Mother Mary, so that it could become a worthy home for your Son: grant us, who rejoice in his memory, to be freed, through his intercession, from the evils present and from eternal death. For Christ our Lord. Amen.

May the blessing of Almighty God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit descend on you (you) and with you (you) always remain. Amen.

The blessing with the invocation of Mary Help of Christians was composed by St. John Bosco and approved by the Sacred Congregation of Rites on May 18, 1878. It is the priest who can bless. But also men and women religious, consecrated by Baptism, can use the formula of blessing and invoke the protection of God, through the intercession of Mary Help of Christians, on loved ones, on sick people, etc. In particular, parents can use it to bless their children and exercise their priestly function in the family that Vatican Council II called the "domestic Church".


Most Holy and Immaculate Virgin Mary, our tender and powerful Mother of CHRISTIANS, we consecrate ourselves entirely to you, so that you will lead us to the Lord. We consecrate your mind with its thoughts, your heart with its affections, your body with its feelings and with all its strength, and we promise to always want to work for the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls. Meanwhile, O incomparable Virgin, who have always been the Mother of the Church and the Help of Christians, continue to show you this especially in these days. Illuminate and strengthen bishops and priests and keep them always united and obedient to the Pope, infallible teacher; increase priestly and religious vocations so that, also through them, the kingdom of Jesus Christ will be preserved among us and extend to the very ends of the earth. We ask you again, sweetest Mother, to always keep your loving eyes on the young exposed to so many dangers, and on the poor and dying sinners. Be for all, O Mary, sweet Hope, Mother of mercy, Door of heaven. But also for us we beg you, O great Mother of God. Teach us to copy your virtues in us, especially the angelic modesty, the profound humility and ardent charity. May Mary Help of Christians, we are all gathered under your Mother's mantle. Grant that in temptations we immediately invoke you with confidence: in short, let the thought of you so good, so lovable, so dear, the memory of the love you bring to your devotees, there is such comfort that it makes us victorious against the enemies of our soul, in life and in death, so that we can come to crown you in the beautiful Paradise. Amen.