Today's devotion: the fidelity of the Madonna. Prayer

Mary stayed with [Elizabeth] for about three months and then returned to her home. Luke 1:56

A beautiful quality that our Blessed Mother had to perfection was faithfulness. This loyalty to his Son was manifested for the first time in his loyalty to Elizabeth.

Her mother was also pregnant, but went to take care of Elizabeth during her pregnancy. He spent three months of his time doing everything possible to make Elizabeth's pregnancy more comfortable. She would have been there to listen, understand, offer advice, serve and simply express what mattered to her. Elizabeth would have been very fortunate in the presence of the Mother of God during those three months.

The virtue of faithfulness is especially strong in a mother. While Jesus was dying on the cross, his dear mother would have been nowhere but Calvary. He spent three months with Elizabeth and three long hours at the foot of the Cross. This has shown its great depth of commitment. He was adamant in his love and faithful to the end.

Loyalty is a virtue that is required by each of us when we face the difficulties of another. When we see others in need, in suffering, in pain or in persecution, we have to make a choice. We must move away in weakness and selfishness, or we must turn to them, carrying their crosses with them offering support and strength.

Reflect today on the faithfulness of our Blessed Mother. She has been a loyal friend, relative, spouse and mother throughout her life. He never wavered in fulfilling his duty, no matter how small or how big the weight was. Reflect on the ways in which God is calling you to act with unwavering commitment to another. Are you willing? Are you ready to come to the aid of another without hesitation? Are you willing to understand their injuries by offering a compassionate heart? Try to embrace and live this holy virtue of our Blessed Mother. Choose to reach out to needy people and to stand on the crosses of those you have been given to love.

Dearest Mother, your loyalty to Elizabeth during those three months is a fine example of care, concern and service. Help me to follow your example and to seek daily the opportunities that have been given to me to love those in need. May he be open to service in large and small ways and never give up on my call to love.

Dearest Mother, you were faithful to the end while you were in perfect fidelity before the Cross of your Son. It was your motherly heart that gave you the strength to stand and look at your beloved Son in his agony. That I never go away from my crosses or from the crosses that others carry. Pray for me so that I too can be a brilliant example of faithful love to all those who have been entrusted to me.

My precious Lord, I commit myself with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. I commit myself to look at you in your agony and pain. Help me to see you also in others and in their sufferings. Help me imitate the loyalty of your dear mother so that I can be a pillar of strength for the needy. I love you, my lord. Help me love you with all that I am.

Mother Maria, pray for me. Jesus I believe in you.