Today's devotion: Easter prayers and family blessing


Lord Jesus, by rising from death you have overcome sin: let our Easter mark a complete victory over our sin.

Lord Jesus, rising from death you have given your body immortal vigor: let our body reveal the grace that gives it life.

Lord Jesus, by rising from death you brought your humanity to heaven: let me too walk towards Heaven, with a true Christian life.

Lord Jesus, by rising from death and going up to Heaven, you promised your return: make our family ready to recompose itself in eternal joy. So be it.


O Jesus, who with your resurrection triumphed over sin and death, and clothed yourselves in glory and immortal light, grant us also to rise again with you, in order to begin a new, luminous, holy life with you. May the divine change that you work in the souls who love you work in us, O Lord: make our spirit, admirably transformed by union with you, shine with light, sing with joy, strive towards the good. you, who with your victory have opened infinite horizons of love and grace to men, arouses in us the anxiety to spread your message of salvation with word and example; give us the zeal and ardor to work for the coming of your kingdom. Grant that we are satisfied with your beauty and your light and we yearn to join you forever. Amen.


O risen Jesus, I adore and kiss the glorious wounds of your most holy body devoutly, and for this I beg you with all my heart to let me rise from a life of lukewarmness to a life of fervor and then move from the misery of this land to glory eternal paradise.


Easter Sunday: it is love that runs fast! Mary of Magdala runs, and Peter also runs: But the Lord is not there, he is no longer there: blessed absence! Blessed hope! And the other disciple also runs, runs fast, faster than all. But it does not need to enter: the heart already knows the truth that the eyes reach later. The heart, faster than a glance! Risen Lord: accelerate our race, move away our boulders, give us glances of faith and love. Lord Jesus, drag us out of our tombs and clothe us with life that does not die, as you did on the day of our Baptism!


Lord, pour out your blessing on our family gathered on this Easter day. Guard and strengthen our faith in you and our love between us and towards everyone. For Christ, our Lord. Amen


Jesus, Man of the Cross, Lord of the Resurrection, we come to your Easter as pilgrims thirsting for living water. Show yourself to us in the mild glory of your Cross; show yourself to us in the full splendor of your Resurrection. Jesus, Man of the Cross, Lord of the Resurrection, we ask you to teach us the love that makes us imitators of the Father, the wisdom that makes life good, the hope that opens up waiting for the future world ... Lord Jesus, star of the Golgotha, glory of Jerusalem and of every city of man, teach us forever the law of love, the new law that renews man's history forever. Amen.


Life is a feast because Christ is risen and we will rise again. Life is a party: we can look to the future with confidence because Christ is risen and we will rise again. Life is a party: our joy is our holiness; our joy will never fail: Christ is risen and we will rise again.


(Paul VI)

You, Jesus, with the resurrection accomplished the atonement of sin; we acclaim you our Redeemer. You, Jesus, with the resurrection have overcome death; we sing you the hymns of victory: you are our Savior. You, Jesus, with your resurrection have inaugurated a new existence; you are Life. Hallelujah! The cry is prayer today. You are the Lord.


Hallelujah, brothers, Christ is risen! This is our certainty, our joy, this is our faith. We sing the hallelujah of life when everything is beautiful and joyful; but we also sing the hallelujah of death, when, despite tears and pain, we praise life that does not die. It is the alleluia of Easter, of the Risen Christ who conquered death. We sing the alleluia of those who believe, of those who have seen the empty tomb, of those who met the Risen One on the road to Emmaus, but we also sing the alleluia for those who have no faith, for those who are surrounded by doubts and uncertainties. We sing the hallelujah of life that turns at sunset, the wayfarer passing by, to learn to sing the alleluia of heaven, the alleluia of eternity