Devotion and prayers to today's patron saint: 19 September 2020

Gennaro was born in Naples, in the second half of the third century, and was elected bishop of Benevento, where he carried out his apostolate, loved by the Christian community and also respected by the pagans. The story of his martyrdom fits into the context of Diocletian's persecutions. He knew the deacon Sosso (or Sossio) who led the Christian community of Miseno and who was imprisoned by Judge Dragonio, proconsul of Campania. Gennaro learned of Sosso's arrest, wanted to go with two companions, Festus and Desiderio to bring him his comfort in prison. Dragonio informed of his presence and interference, he also arrested the three of them, causing protests by Procolo, deacon of Pozzuoli and two Christian faithful of the same city, Eutyches and Acutius. These three were also arrested and sentenced together with the others to die in the amphitheater, which still exists today, to be torn to pieces by the bears. But during the preparations the proconsul Dragonio, he noticed that the people showed sympathy towards the prisoners and therefore foreseeing unrest during the so-called games, changed his decision and on 19 September 305 he had the prisoners beheaded. (Future)


O Gennaro, strenuous athlete of the faith of Jesus Christ, inclito Patron of Catholic Naples, turn your gaze kindly towards us, and deign to accept the vows that we place today at your feet with full confidence in your powerful patronage. How many times have you rushed to the aid of your fellow citizens, now stopping the path of the exterminating lava of Vesuvius, and now prodigiously freeing us from the plague, from earthquakes, from hunger, and from so many other divine punishments, which threw fear among us ! The perennial miracle of the liquefaction of is a sure and very eloquent sign that you live among us, know our needs and protect us in a very singular way. Pray, deh! pray for us that we have recourse to you, sure of being heard: and free us from so many evils that oppress us on all sides. Save your Naples from intrusive incredulity and make that faith, for which you generously sacrificed your life, always yield fruitful fruit of holy works among us. So be it.

(200 days of indulgence, once a day)


Hello, o powerful governor of the city, hello, o Gennaro, father and protector of the country. You who, confessing the faith of Jesus Christ, have received the crown of martyrdom; You who, as a strong athlete, triumphed from bitter torments to mortal combat, and presented to the executioner's sword your head already consecrated to Christ and crowned with the flower of eternity. We praise your name, glorious for so many amazing miracles and famous for its numerous monuments. Exultant we celebrate the sign of our faith, which we warmly praise with reverence. You still live among us, by your blood burning no less than wonderfully talkative. You who are rightly called guardian, favorably protect and defend the city of Naples. Show the ampoule with your blood to Christ and defend us with your patronage. Reject with concern the dangers that overhang us, earthquakes, plague, wars, hunger. Extend your right hand and keep away, turn off, destroy the ashes and lightnings of Vesuvius. You, given us as a guide to heaven, as an advocate with Christ, lead us to the place of refreshment. The SS. Trinity, who defends Naples with the blood of San Gennaro. Amen.

(from the Liturgy proper to the Diocese of Naples)


O unconquered martyr and my powerful advocate San Gennaro, I humble your servant I bow before you, and I thank the Holy Trinity for the glory that He has bestowed on you in Heaven, and for the power He communicates to you on earth for the benefit of those who resort to you. . I am especially pleased with that amazing miracle that after so many centuries is renewed in your blood, already shed for the love of Jesus, and for this singular privilege I ask you to help me in all my needs and especially in the tribulations that now tear my heart. So be it