Effective biblical devotion to receive the gift of healing


Illness and death have always been among the most serious problems that test human life. In illness man experiences his own impotence, his limits and his finitude. (CCC n ° 1500)

Christ's compassion for the sick and his many healings are a clear sign that "God has visited his people" and that "the Kingdom of God is near". Jesus came to heal the whole man, body and soul: He is the Doctor (of souls and bodies), which the sick need. (CCC n ° 1503) His compassion for all those who suffer goes so far that he identifies with them: "I was sick and you visited me". Often Jesus asks the sick to believe, saying: "Let it be done according to your faith"; or: "Your faith has saved you." (CCC n ° 2616)

Even today, Jesus has compassion on human suffering: through simple, sincere and trusting prayer, we wish to ask the Lord "to have mercy on us" and to heal us, according to his will, in order to be able to serve him and praise him with our lives, because " the glory of God is the living man ”.

START: Sequence to the Holy Spirit:

Come, Holy Spirit send a ray of your light to us from heaven. Come, father of the poor, come, giver of gifts, come, light of hearts. Perfect comforter; sweet guest of the soul, sweet relief. In fatigue, rest, in the warm shelter, in the comforting tears. 0 blissful light, invade the hearts of your faithful inwardly. Without your strength nothing is in man, nothing without fault. Wash what is sordid, wet what is arid, heal what is bleeding. It folds up what is rigid, warms up what is cold, straightens out what is sidetracked. Give to your faithful who only in you trust your holy gifts. Give virtue and reward, give holy death, give eternal joy. Amen

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

One of the following biblical verses was repeated 33 times (in honor of the Lord's 33 years of life):

1. "Lord if you want you can heal me. (...) I want it to be healed ". (Mk 1,40-41)

2. "Lord, he whom you love is sick" (Jn 11,3: 10,51): "Lord that I am healed". (Mk XNUMX)

3. "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me" (Lk 18,38:10,47 and Mk XNUMX:XNUMX): heal me in your great love.

4. "Lord, just say a word and my" servant "will be healed. (...). "Go, and be done according to your faith." And in that instant the "servant" healed. (Mt 8, 8-13)

5.Come evening he healed all the sick, so that what had been said through the prophet Isaiah would be fulfilled: “He took our infirmities and took on our diseases (…). We have been healed from his wounds ".

(Mt 8, 16-17)