Devotion: daily tour in Purgatory united with Jesus

This devout practice, recommended by St. Margaret Mary to her novices, having been approved by the competent Ecclesiastical Authority, according to the rewritten version of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences (November 26, 1876), enjoys the following indulgences:
300-day indulgence on each day of the year.

Plenary indulgence in the course of the septenary or in one of the eight days immediately following it, under the usual conditions. Daily Practice Preparatory Acts

PRAYER. Blessed Margherita Maria, elected by Our Lord to manifest to the world all the treasures of love that are enclosed in her merciful Heart, you, who listened to the purging souls request this new remedy of devotion to the Sacred Heart, extremely effective in alleviating their torments, and with this means you freed a multitude of those poor prisoners, obtain the grace to devoutly perform the pious practice of a small tour in Purgatory in the company of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Union of intention with the faithful who carry out this holy exercise every day in Rome, at the center of the Association.

CONSECRATION OF THE DAY. O divine Heart of Jesus, we, by making this little tour of Purgatory in your company, consecrate to you all that we have done and we will still do good, with the help of your grace, on this day. Please apply your merits to the holy Penitent Souls in Purgatory and in particular to ... (here you can name the dearest souls). And you, Holy Souls of Purgatory, use all your power to obtain the grace of living and dying in love and fidelity to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, corresponding to the desires he has on us, without the least resistance. So be it.

OFFER. Eternal Father, we offer you the Blood, the Passion and death of Jesus Christ, the pains of Mary Most Holy and of St. Joseph, in discount of our sins, in suffrage of the holy Souls of Purgatory, for the needs of the Holy Mother Church and for the conversion of sinners.
100-day indulgence once a day (Pius IX, 1860).

INVOCATIONS. Beloved be from all over the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
100-day indulgence, once a day (Pius IX, 1860).
Mary, Mother of God and Mother of mercy, pray for us and for those who have passed away.
100-day indulgence once a day (Leo XIII, 1883).
Saint Joseph, model and patron of lovers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us.
100-day indulgence once a day (Leo XIII, 1892).

PRELUDE. We descend for a moment with thought, with the love of the Heart of Jesus and with the abundance of his graces, in the devouring flames of Purgatory. How many souls in this moment enter and begin their painful captivity!
How many multitudes have long been enclosed to remain there for a long time yet! What holy legion already totally purified is preparing today to fly to Heaven! How happy they are! Escape forever from hell, they are now sure of reaching supreme happiness ... they are God's friends ... they are safe!
How sad they are! Burdens of a thousand and a thousand imperfections ... still owed time penalties, due to forgiven sins ... exiled for some time by the heavenly homeland ...
sentenced to atoning fire ...
Let's contemplate them, listen to their moans, give them an accent of friendship and pity, offer them help.


- What do you regret, O holy soul of Purgatory, of the land you left behind?
- I regret the lost time. I didn't think so precious, so quick, so irreparable ... If I had known! ... If I could still! ...
Precious time, today I appreciate you as you deserve. You were given to me to use you wholeheartedly in the love of God, in my sanctification, in helping and building up your neighbor; I, on the other hand, have spent you in sin, in pleasure, in works that now cause me such bitter condolences.
Time so fast on earth and so slow in this prison of fire, you flowed as fast as a flash ... My life fled like a dream: now the hours seem to me years and days, centuries.
Irreparable time! ... On earth it seemed that I should never end! Yet the stamen of my days was severed where he least thought about it! O lost time, you have passed, without hope that you will ever return! ... O you, who still live on earth, dedicate for us to the Heart of Jesus some of the hours in which grace is offered to you in so much abundance and with such ease!

Resolution. Let us suffrage today in Purgatory, with all the means available, the souls of the ecclesiastics, religious and faithful who have practiced this pious exercise of the small tour in Purgatory every day in their lives and recommend ourselves to those souls who are now rising to Heaven. Fioretto. "The pain of the souls in Purgatory is so serious, that one day seems to them a thousand years."

Suffrage. We consecrate a few moments in honor of the Sacred Heart, in relief of the souls of purgatory. Particular intention. Let us pray to the Sacred Heart for the most abandoned soul. Reason. The greater his pain, the greater his gratitude towards us will be. She will obtain that God never abandon us, withdrawing his graces from us, and that we do not separate from Him with sin. Prayer for Sunday. O Lord Almighty God, I pray you for the precious Blood that your divine Son has shed in the garden of Gethsemane, to free the souls of purgatory, especially, above all, the most abandoned; lead it to your glory, where it praises you and blesses you forever. So be it.
Pater, Ave and De profundis.
Indulg. 100 days once a day (Leo XII, 1826).

Ejaculation. Sweet Heart of my Jesus, make me love you more and more.

Indulg. 300 days each time it will be recited with the due provisions, and plenary once a month to those who recited it every day
(Pius IX, 1876).


- What do you regret, soul of Purgatory, of the land you left behind?
- I regret the dissipated goods. The luck, the health, the ingenuity, the position I had in the world, everything would have been a powerful means of health for me, if I had wanted to benefit from it for the glory of God. How many graces I would have deserved you! Yet I didn't want to, and all the goods vanished before me at the hour of my death.
Ah! I was rich today in these fallen goods.
What would I not do to hasten my liberation for a single instant, to increase by one degree the glory that God holds for me in Heaven, and to make known to some other soul in the world the devotion to the Sacred Heart!
You who still have makeshift goods on earth, you must account for them, think about it ... use them in accordance with the dictates of justice, charity and piety. Give generous helm sina to the poor, labor for the glory of the Sacred Heart, by fostering with your generous donations the propagation of his cult to the ends of the world.

Resolution. Let us suffrage today in Purgatory, with all the means available, the souls of the faithful who have come from all parts of Europe, and especially those of Italy and the cities in which we dwell, and recommend ourselves to the souls who at this moment rise to the Sky.
Spiritual foil. "The gates of Heaven are opened by almsgiving."

Suffrages. Let's give some alms for the cult of the Sacred Heart.

Particular intention. We pray for the soul closest to being freed.

Reason. The nearer the end of his pains, the more lively his desire to join the Sacred Heart. Let us therefore remove all obstacles; in return it will obtain the grace to break the last ties that prevent us from giving ourselves entirely to God.

Prayer for Monday. O Lord, Almighty God, I pray you, for the precious Blood that your divine Son Jesus has shed in his hard flagellation, to free the souls of purgatory, and of all individually the closest to the entrance to your glory, because she will soon begin to praise and bless yourself forever. So be it.
Pater, Ave, and De profundis.
Indulg. 100 days once a day
(Leo XII, 1826).

Ejaculation. Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation. Indulg. 300 days each time, with plenary indulgence once a month to those who recited it every day (Pius IX, 1852).


- What do you regret, soul of Purgatory, of the land you left behind?
- I regret the despised grace. It was offered to me in such great abundance, in every instant of life, and with such solicitous incitements! ... Christian regeneration, vocation, sacraments, word of God, holy inspirations, good examples, distinguished graces of preservation in danger, of help in temptations, of forgiveness after the fall. What an incalculable number of elected graces!
I refused the one, coldly accepted the other, abused most of them.

Oh, if I were granted only one moment of freedom today to freeze my thirst for the sources of mercy, which flow from the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and which also disdain the sinners and the indifferent! Listen to Blessed Margaret Mary, who tells you from above as we tell you in the midst of these flames: «It is evident that there is no one in the world who would not give himself any sort of help, if he had for Jesus Christ a grateful love equal to that which is shown to him by devotion to the Sacred Heart ».

Resolution. Let us suffrage today in Purgatory, with all the means available, the souls of the faithful who have come from all the districts of Asia, and more especially those of Palestine and the nations most troubled by idolatry, schism and heresy; and recommend ourselves to those who are ascending to Heaven at this time. Spiritual foil. "The good of grace of one alone is greater than the good of nature of the whole world."

Suffrage. We apply today for the benefit of the souls of Purgatory some Indulgence attached to the practices done in honor of the Sacred Heart.

Particular intention. We pray for the soul of Purgatory further away to be freed. Reason. We have mercy on his desolation and humility in suffering so long sufferings. Oh, how grateful it will be! ... We will be blessed, if love for humility in this world obtains us, to then be glorified in the other. Prayer for Tuesday. O Lord, Almighty God, I implore you for the precious Blood that your divine Son has shed in his bitter crown of thorns, to free the souls of Purgatory, in particular among all, the one that should be the last to come out of so many pains , so that it will not be long to praise you in glory and bless you forever.
So be it.
Pater, Ave and De profundis.
100-day indulgence once a day (Leo XII, 1826).

Ejaculation. Eternal Father, I offer you the most precious Blood of Jesus Christ in discount of my sins and for the needs of the Holy Church. 100-day indulgence each time it is recited (Pius VII, 1817).


- What regret, O holy soul of Purgatory, of the land you left behind?
- I regret the wrong. It seemed to me so light and pleasant in the world! I quenched my remorse within pleasure ...; today its weight oppresses me; his bitterness torments me; his memory haunts me and tears me apart. Mortal sins forgiven, but not expiated; venial faults, slight imperfections ... too late I know your malice! Oh! if I returned to life, no promise, however flattering, no honor, pleasure and wealth, no seductive word would be able to induce me to commit the smallest sin.
O you, who are still free to choose between God and the world, turn your gaze to the thorns, to the Cross, to the anguish of the Heart of Jesus, to our flames: they will tell you what the pains caused by our sins are; think of the late regret you will have in Purgatory, and nothing more will cost you to avoid them.

Resolution. Let us suffrage today in Purgatory, with all the means available, the souls of the faithful who have come from all the districts of Africa, and especially those of the countries which were once Catholic, who today return to the truth of the Gospel, and recommend ourselves to those who are currently they rise to Heaven.

Spiritual foil. "What good is it for man to gain the whole world if he then loses his soul?"

Suffrage. Let's do an act of contrition before an image of the Sacred Heart.

Particular intention. Let us pray for the richest soul.

Reason. The more it is raised in glory in Heaven, the more effectively a true love of God can obtain, without which there is no real merit.

Prayer for Wednesday. O Lord, Almighty God, I pray you for the precious Blood that your divine Son has shed on the streets of Jerusalem in carrying the sacred Cross on his shoulders, to free the souls of Purgatory and individually the one that is richest in merits before you, so that in the sublime place of glory that awaits, you are highly praised and blessed in perpetuity. So be it. Pater, Ave and De profundis.
100-day indulgence once a day (Leo XII, 1826).

Ejaculation. Jesus, Joseph and Mary, I give you my heart and soul. Jesus, Joseph and Mary, assist me in the last agony. Jesus, Joseph and Mary, breathe my soul in peace with you.
Indulg. 300 days each time you act. (Pius VII, 1807).


- What regret, O holy soul of Purgatory, of the land you left behind?
- I regret the scandals given. If only I had to mourn my sins! Had I at least been able, by dying, to stop the dire consequences of my scandals! ... I was at least allowed, from this tormenting place, to believe on the slope of the abyss many poor souls, followers of my sad examples and my perverse doctrine! But no, for my reason the evil is still committed, and this will last for years and centuries ...
Now I must account for the part which redeems me of all the faults, of which I am the cause.
Ah! if it were given to me to send my ardent word to the ends of the earth, and to travel the whole world as a missionary, with what tireless activity I would approach the souls, in order to divert them from vice and reduce them to virtue!
All of you, who go to visit me in union with the Sacred Heart in the dark prison, and who to my eyes make a ray of his benign light shine, you have in him the safest and easiest means of converting as many souls as I have. scandalized with my faults.

Resolution. Let us suffrage today in Purgatory, with all the means available, the souls of the faithful who have come from all the districts of America, and more especially those of the still wild countries that begin to receive the light of faith, and recommend ourselves to the souls who currently they go up to Heaven.

Spiritual foil. "He will be paid to everyone according to his own works".
Suffrage. Let's give some people today the image of the Holy Heart.
Particular intention. Let us pray for the most devoted soul of the Blessed Sacrament.

Reason. She will ask us for the grace to receive it with dignity at the hour of death, as a pledge of eternal health. Prayer for Thursday. O Lord, Almighty God, I implore you for the precious Body and the precious Blood of your divine Son Jesus, whom he himself gave on the eve of his Passion as food and drink to his dear Apostles and left to all his Church in sacrifice perpetual and vivifying nourishment of its faithful, free the souls of Purgatory and, most of all, the most devoted of this mystery of infinite love, so that you may be praised for it with your divine Son and with the Holy Spirit in your eternal glory. So be it.
Pater, Ave and De profundis.
Ejaculation. My Jesus, mercy!
Indulg. 100 days each time you act.
(Pius IX, 1862).


- What regret, O holy soul of Purgatory, of the land you left behind?
- I regret the neglected penance. How happy I was in the world, how painful I am in Purgatory! Here the lightest of my sufferings overcomes the most serious sufferings on earth! In the world I should have done nothing but accept with resignation fatigue, pain, adversity, deprive myself of any superfluous good to provide for the poor, give myself to satisfactory works, put to use the Indulgences and the practices of piety. What easier thing?
Ah! if God deigned to allow me to return to the world, no rule would seem austere to me, no martyrdom would be able to terrify me; for me there would be only gentleness and consolation in the most rigid penances, thinking of this devouring fire, of which by this means I would avoid ardor.
O you, who mourn in the valley of exile, rejoice: the lightest pain suffered in discount of your sins, to satisfy divine justice, and offered to the Sacred Heart in a spirit of reparation, can make you avoid a long and painful Purgatory.

Resolution. Let us suffrage today in Purgatory, with all the means available, the souls of the faithful who have come from the remote districts of Oceania, and especially those of the most troubled Catholic missions, and recommend ourselves to the souls who are currently ascending to Heaven.

Spiritual foil. «Make worthy fruits of penance».

Suffrage. We do a little penance in relief of the souls of Purgatory.

Particular intention. Let us pray for that soul for which we have the most obligation to pray.

Reason. This is our duty, and if we have any obligation of justice regarding that soul, we no longer differ, otherwise we will attract divine punishment upon us. Prayer for Friday. O Lord, Almighty God, I pray you for the precious Blood that your divine Son on that day shed on the tree of the Cross, especially from his most holy hands and feet, free the souls of Purgatory, and individually that for the which I have a greater obligation to pray to you, so that it is not my fault that you do not soon lead her to praise you in your glory to bless you forever. So be it.
Pater, Ave and De profundis.
Indulg. 100 days once a day.
(Pius IX, 1868).

Ejaculation. Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart similar to yours.

Indulg. 300 days once a day. (Pius IX, 1868).


- What regret, O holy soul of Purgatory, of the land you left behind?
- I regret the little charity I had on earth for the souls of Purgatory. I could have been useful to them in the time of my life. Prayers, penances, alms, good works, Communions, Masses, devotion to the Sacred Heart: how many means did I have to console those poor souls, held prisoner in the prison of fire, of darkness, of torments!
If I had done this, I would have deserved many effective graces to avoid guilt, I would have deserved a less long and less painful Purgatory, and now it would give me a greater fruit from the prayers that rise for me throughout the Catholic world.
If I could return to the world, no one more than me would work in favor of painful souls! What fervent prayers for them! ... What charitable concern I would use to excite all the faithful to the most tender compassion for them! What I have not done, when I could, deh! do not neglect to do it today, you Christian souls.

Resolution. Let us suffrage today in Purgatory, with all the means available, all the souls of the faithful who have come from the missions of Australia, entrusted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and especially those of New Pomerania, New Guinea and the Gilbert Islands, and we recommend to the souls who currently ascend to Heaven.

Foil. "We deservedly suffer this."

Suffrage. We propagate this practice, and the souls of Purgatory will be grateful for it.

Particular intention. Let us pray for the soul most devoted to Our Lady.

Reason. We will do this with gratitude to the Most Holy Virgin, who, listening to the prayers of this soul, will obtain the grace of a true devotion to the Sacred Heart, an inexhaustible source of all good.

Prayer for Saturday. O Lord, Almighty God, I beg you for the precious Blood that flowed from the side of your divine Son Jesus in the presence and with extreme pain of his Most Holy Mother: free the souls of Purgatory, and individually of all, the one that was the most devoted to this great lady, so that soon she may come in your glory to praise you in her, and she in you, for all centuries. So be it.
Pater, Ave and De profundis.
100-day indulgence once a day (Leo XII, 1826).

Ejaculation. O Mary, who entered the spotless world, deh! get me from God that I can get out of it without fault.
Indulg. 100 days once a day (Pius IX, 1863).
For our dead. Of Blessed James Alberione