Devotion: the four promises of Mary for those who make cenacles of prayer

The Cenacles offer an extraordinary opportunity to have a concrete experience of prayer made together, of lived fraternity, and are of great help to all in overcoming doubts and difficulties, to proceed courageously on the difficult path of consecration.

Family Cenacles are today particularly providential in the face of the serious disruption of family life. During these Cenacles, one or more families gather in the same house: the Rosary is recited, the life of consecration is meditated, brotherhood is experienced, problems and difficulties are communicated to each other, and the act of consecration to the Heart is always renewed together Immaculate Conception of Mary. Christian families are helped by family Cenacles to live today as true communities of faith, prayer and love.

The structure of the Cenacles is very simple: in imitation of the disciples who were reunited with Mary in the Upper Room in Jerusalem, we find ourselves together:

To pray with Maria.

A common feature is the recitation of the Holy Rosary. With it we invite Mary to join our prayer, we pray together with her. «The Rosary that you recite in the Cenacles is like an immense chain of love and salvation with which you can wrap people and situations, and even influence all the events of the your time. Continue to recite it, multiply your Cenacles of prayer. »(Marian Priest Movement 7 October 1979)

To live the consecration.

Here is the way forward: to get used to the way of seeing, feeling, loving, praying, operating the Madonna. This may serve as a pause for meditation or appropriate reading.

To make fraternity.

In the Cenacles everyone is called to experience an authentic fraternity. The more you pray and leave room for the action of Our Lady, the more you feel you are growing in mutual love between us. To the danger of loneliness, today particularly felt and dangerous, here is the remedy offered by Our Lady: the Upper Room, where we meet with Her to be able to know, love and help us as brothers.

Our Lady makes these four promises to those who form family Cenacles:

1) It helps to live unity and fidelity in marriage, in particular to remain always united, living the sacramental aspect of family union. Today, in which the number of divorces and divisions increases, Our Lady unites us under her mantle always in love and in the greatest communion.

2) Take care of children. In these times for many young people there is the danger of losing faith and embarking on the path of evil, sin, impurity and drugs. Our Lady promises that as Mother she will stand next to these children to help them grow in good and lead them on the path of holiness and salvation.

3) He takes the spiritual and material good of families to heart.

4) She will protect these families, taking them under her mantle, becoming like a lightning rod that will defend them from the fire of punishment.

Words of the Madonna to Natuzza Evolo
“Make people pray a lot and make prayer cenacles instead of making murmuring cenacles, because prayer is good for the soul and the body; murmuring not only damages your spirit but also makes you lack of charity "(15 August 1994).

"In every house it would take a small cenacle, even of one Ave Maria per day ..." (August 15, 1995).

“Tell them that Our Lady wants the cenacles to know each other, both how many they are and what they do, by testimony. They are still few; it would take a cenacle for each family "(March 14, 1997).

“Only for one thing I am happy: for the Cenacles of prayer. I wish they offered it for all the evil in the world, as reparation ... the world is always at war, for the wickedness of man and for the thirst for power. Multiply the prayer groups for the reparation of these sins "(15 August 1997).

“I am happy with the Cenacoli. There could be more, together with sacrifices and prayers, to give glory to God. I am happy with the Cenacles because many families who were far from God and without peace have approached him and serene families have returned. Scale this! " (March 12, 1998).

“I am happy with the Cenacoli because they are made with love. Only someone does it out of fanaticism, but most do it out of faith and love. Multiply! I speak to you every year and ask for a rose but you don't. The rose is an Ave Maria a day made with the heart. Someone does it but should do it all over the world "(15 August 1998).

“The world is always at war! Offer your sufferings and your prayers as you know how to offer them. I am happy for the Cenacles of prayer; some people go out of curiosity but then grow in faith and become promoters of other Cenacles "(Lent 1999).

"I am happy for the Cenacles of prayer, I asked them by order of the Lord and you obeyed me, and many young people who did not know me and knew neither of my existence nor of that of Jesus, now not only do they know us, but they have become the most fervent Apostles. Scale this. My children, repent! Jesus is sad because the world with his sins renews his crucifixion. Pray little and pray badly! Pray little, but pray well, because quantity is not important but quality, that is, the love with which you do it, because love is an expansion of Love. Love one another as Jesus loves you. O children, follow my advice, be satisfied, because I want your good for the soul and the body "(August 15, 1999).

“Yes, I'm happy with the Cenacles, because they have grown since the last time I talked about it with you. And I still want it. You must always talk about it. As long as I leave you here, this is your mission. Preach the Cenacles, because the Cenacles save from the sins of the world. In the world there are many sins, but also many prayers "(November 13, 1999).