Devotion for young people and for the children of John Paul II


Prayer for young people.
Lord Jesus, who you called whoever you wanted, call many of us to work for you, to work with you. You, who have illuminated with your word those whom you have called, illuminate us with the gift of faith in you. You, who supported them in difficulties, help us overcome our difficulties as young people today. And if you call any of us, to consecrate everything to you, your love warms this vocation from its birth and makes it grow and persevere to the end. So be it.

Thoughts for youth.
Certainly it is a period of life, in which each of us discovers a lot. It was still a quiet age, but a great European cataclysm was already approaching. Now all this belongs to the history of our century. And I lived this story in my youth. Many of my friends have lost their lives, in wars, in World War II, on different fronts, have given, given their lives, in concentration camps ... I have learned through these sufferings to see the reality of the world in a deeper way. A light had to be searched more deeply. In these darkness there was light. The light was the gospel, the light was Christ. I would like to wish you to find this light with which you can walk.

Prayer with the Youth.
Black Madonna of the "Chiara Montagna", turn your maternal gaze to young people all over the world, to those who already believe in your Son and to those who have not yet met him on his way. Listen, O Maria, to their aspirations, clarify their doubts, give vigor to their intentions, make the feelings of a true "spirit of children" live in themselves, to contribute effectively to building a more just world . You see their availability, you know their heart. You are Mother of all! In this hill of light, where the invitation to faith and to the conversion of the heart is strong, Mary welcomes you with maternal concern. Madonna "with a sweet face", she stretches out from this ancient Sanctuary her watchful and provident gaze on all the peoples of the world, eager for peace. You, young people, are the future and hope of this world. Precisely for this reason Christ needs you: to bring the Gospel of salvation to every corner of the earth. Be willing and ready to carry out this mission with a true "spirit of children". Be the apostles, be the generous messengers of the supernatural hope that gives new impetus to man's journey

Hymn to life.
Life is a wonderful gift of God and nobody is master of it, abortion and euthanasia are terrible crimes against the dignity of man, drugs are irresponsible renunciation of the beauty of life, pornography is impoverishment and parched heart. Illness and suffering are not punishments but opportunities to enter the heart of the mystery of man; in the sick, in the handicapped, in the child and the elderly, in the adolescent and the young, in the adult and in every person, the image of God shines. Life is a delicate gift, worthy of absolute respect: God does not look at appearance but at the heart; the life marked by the Cross and suffering deserves even more attention, care and tenderness. Here is true youth: it is fire that separates the slags of evil from the beauty and dignity of things and people; it is fire that warms the dryness of the world with enthusiasm; it is a fire of love that instills confidence and invites joy.

Open the doors to Christ.
Do not be afraid to welcome Christ and accept His power! Help the Pope and everyone who wants to serve Christ and, with the power of Christ, serve man and all humanity! Do not be afraid! Open, indeed open the doors to Christ! To His savior power you open the borders of the States, the economic systems as the political ones, the vast fields of culture, civilization, development. Do not be afraid! Christ knows what is inside man. Only He knows! Today so often man does not know what he carries inside, deep in his soul, in his heart. So often he is uncertain of the meaning of his life on this earth. It is invaded by doubt that turns into despair. Allow Christ to speak to man. Only He has words of life, yes! of eternal life.

Prayer for young people in the world.
God, our Father, we entrust to you the young men and women of the world, with their problems, aspirations and hopes. Stop your gaze of love on them and make them peacemakers and builders of the civilization of love. Call them to follow Jesus, your Son. Make them understand that it is worth giving your life entirely for yourself and for humanity. Grant generosity and promptness in response. Accept, Lord, our praise and our prayers also for the young people who, following the example of Mary, Mother of the Church, have believed your word and are preparing for sacred Orders, for the profession of the evangelical counsels, for missionary commitment . Help them understand that the call you have given them is always timely and urgent. Amen!

Drug prayer.
The victims of drugs and alcoholism seem to me like "traveling" people who are looking for something to believe in for a living; Instead, they run into the merchants of death, who attack them with the flattery of illusory liberties and false prospects of happiness. However, you and I want to testify that the reasons for continuing to hope are there and are much stronger than the opposite. Once again I want to say to young people: Beware of the temptation of certain illusory and tragic experiences! Don't give up on them! Why give up the full maturity of your years, accepting an early senescence? Why waste your life and your energies which can find joyful affirmation in the ideals of honesty, work, sacrifice, purity, true love? Those who love, enjoy life and remain there!

Prayer for the men of our time.
Holy Virgin, in this world where the inheritance of the sin of the first Adam is still present, which pushes man to hide before the Face of God and even refuse to look at it, we pray that the ways may open to the Incarnate Word, to the Gospel of the Son of man, your most beloved Son. For the men of our time, so advanced and so troubled, for the men of every civilization and language, of every culture and race, we ask you, O Mary, for the grace of a sincere openness of mind and attentive listening to the Word of God. We ask you, O Mother of men, the grace for every human being to be able to accept with gratitude the gift of sonship that the Father offers freely to everyone in his and your beloved Son. We ask you, oh Mother of hope, for the grace of obedience of faith, the only true lifeline. We pray you, faithful Virgin, that you, who precede believers in the itinerary of faith here on earth, protect the journey of those who strive to welcome and follow Christ, the One who is, who was and who is coming, the One who is the way. , truth and life. Help us, or merciful, or pious and sweet Mother of God, or Mary!

Jesus our peace.
Jesus Christ! Son of the Eternal Father, Son of Woman, Son of Mary, do not leave us at the mercy of our weakness and pride! O Incarnate Fullness! Be You in the earthly man! Be our shepherd! Be our Peace! Make us fishers of men Lord Jesus, as one day you called the first disciples to make them fishers of men, so continue to make your sweet invitation resound today: "Come and follow me"! Give the young men and women the grace to respond promptly to your voice! In their apostolic labors, support our Bishops, priests, consecrated persons. Give perseverance to our seminarians and to all those who are realizing an ideal of life totally dedicated to your service. Awaken missionary commitment in our communities. Send, Lord, workers to your harvest and do not allow humanity to get lost for lack of pastors, missionaries, people devoted to the cause of the Gospel. Mary, Mother of the Church, model of every convocation, help us to answer "yes" to the Lord who calls us to collaborate in the divine plan of salvation. Amen.