Devotion for Young People: How to Have Grace

Devotion to the Youth: Dear Father, you would pay the price for all my sins, so that by believing in you, I could be forgiven of my sins. Put on your righteousness and receive eternal life through you. Thank you, that through all that you have accomplished with your death, burial and resurrection. I too have eternal life and victory over sin, Satan, death and hell. Thank you, that you died for my sins.

That you made it possible for me to be redeemed and transferred from the kingdom of satan to the kingdom of God. Thank you, that in you I have everything I need to ensure victory in this world and in the world to come, eternal life. Praise your holy name, forever and ever. Lord, we pray that you will calm our minds and calm our hearts as we approach this communion table today.

We ask you to draw each of us into ever closer communion with yourself. As we drink the bread and wine together, in grateful remembrance of what you have done for each of us, on the cross of Calvary. Help me, Sir, to approach this table of communion with reverence and holy fear, as we share the bread and cup.

Lord, we remember how the same night you were betrayed, you took a piece of bread, you blessed it, you broke it and you gave it to your disciples and you said. "Eat this in remembrance of me. " We also remember how you then took the cup and told him. “This is the new covenant in my blood, do it in remembrance of me. "Lord, let us eat this bread and drink this cup in remembrance of what you have done in our behalf, on the cross of Calvary, and we praise and glorify your holy name. I hope you enjoyed this fantastic Youth Devotion.