A powerful devotion to obtain a sure grace and drive away the devil

«The devil has always feared true devotion to Mary because it is a" sign of predestination ", according to the words of Saint Alfonso. In the same way he fears true devotion to St. Joseph […] because it is the safest way to go to Mary. Thus the devil [... makes] believers who are obtuse in spirit or inattentive believe that praying to Saint Joseph is at the expense of devotion to Mary.

Let's not forget that the devil is a liar. The two devotions are, however, inseparable ».

Saint Teresa of Avila in her "Autobiography" wrote: "I don't know how one can think of the Queen of the Angels and the much she suffered with the Child Jesus, without thanking St. Joseph who was so much help to them".

And yet:

«I don't remember so far having ever prayed to him for a grace without having immediately obtained it. And it is a marvelous thing to remember the great favors that the Lord has done to me and the dangers of soul and body from which he has freed me through the intercession of this blessed saint.

One way to honor the Chaste Heart of St. Joseph is to recite the Rosary of 7 joys and 7 pains.


O glorious St. Joseph, for the pain and joy that you felt in the mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, obtain for us the grace of trust in God. (Short pause for meditation) Pater, Ave, Gloria.


O glorious St. Joseph, for the pain you felt in seeing the Child Jesus born in so much poverty and for the joy you felt seeing him worship by the Angels, obtain the grace of approaching Holy Communion with faith, humility and love. (short meditation break) Pater, Ave, Gloria.


O glorious St. Joseph, for the pain you felt in circumcising the Divine Child and for the joy you felt in imposing on him the name of "Jesus", ordained by the Angel, obtain the grace to remove from your heart all that is sorry for God . (short pause for meditation) Pater, Ave, Gloria.


O glorious St. Joseph, for the pain and joy you felt in hearing the prophecy of the holy old Simeon, who announced on one hand the perdition and on the other the salvation of many souls, according to their attitude towards Jesus , who held Baby in his arms, obtain the grace to meditate with love on the pains of Jesus and the pains of Mary. (short meditation break) Pater, Ave, Gloria.


O glorious St. Joseph, for the pain you felt in the flight to Egypt and for the joy you felt having always the same God with you and his Mother, obtain for us the grace to fulfill all our duties with fidelity and love. (short meditation break) Pater, Ave, Gloria.


O glorious St. Joseph, for the pain you felt in hearing that the persecutors of the Child Jesus still reigned in the land of Judea and for the joy you felt in returning to your home in Nazareth, in the safest land of Galilee, obtain for us the grace of uniformity in the will of God. (short meditation pause) Pater, Ave, Gloria.


O glorious St. Joseph, for the pain that you felt in the bewilderment of the boy Jesus and for the joy that you felt in finding him, obtain the grace of leading a good life and making a holy death. (short meditation break) Pater, Ave, Gloria.