Practical devotion to do today 23 July


1. Conscience. Consider how you will present yourself before the Judge for the showdown: a supernal light will reveal you to your gaze (Ps, XLIX, 21); what will conscience say against you? Now suffocate her voice, diminish the gravity of sin, baptize many reproaches of her for scruples; everything seems lawful or inevitable; now, against his advice, laugh, enjoy, have fun ...; but at the Judgment you will see your foul evident. What will your apologies be worth? Wouldn't it be much better to fix it now?

2. The devil. With a satanic grin, he will claim you, as his prey, from the Judge, showing the large volume of your sins. From early youth to later age; from the first Confession to the last; from the first Grace to the supreme: how many things will point worthy of condemnation! At home, in church, at work, at study; with relatives, with friends; during the day, at night; in thoughts, in words, in works; how many sins the devil will accuse you of! What will you say in your defense?

3. The cross. As a sign of redemption, ark of salvation, every benefit of redemption is gathered in it. At the Judgment it will reveal to you the name of dishonored Christian, the love of Jesus despised, his Blood of which you have abused, the maxims of the Gospel mocked, the particular graces kept in no account! At the sight of the Cross, will you understand what Jesus did to save you, and you to damn yourself ... My soul, how will you present yourselves to the Judgment? And this can happen to you today ...

PRACTICE, - Remedy, while you have time: resort to Mary.