Practical Devotion of the Day: How to Honor Mary's Birth

The Celestial Child. With a soul full of faith, approach the cradle where the Child Mary rests, look at her celestial beauty; something angelic hovers around that face… The Angels stare at that heart which, without original blemish, without stimulus to evil, rather adorned with the most chosen graces, captivates them in admiration. Mary is the masterpiece of God's omnipotence; admire her, pray to her, love her because she is your mother.

What will this Child become? The neighbors looked at Mary without understanding that it was the Dawn of the Sun. Jesus, now close to appearing; perhaps the mother Saint Anne understood something of it, and with what love and respect she kept her!… This Child is the beloved of God the Father, and the dear Mother of Jesus, is the Bride of the Holy Spirit; is Maria SS .; she is the Queen of the Angels and of all the Saints ... Dear Heavenly Child, be the Queen of my heart, I give it to you forever!

How to honor the birth of Mary. At the feet of the Child meditate on those words of Jesus: If you do not become like little children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Children, that is, small for innocence and more for humility; and it was precisely Mary's humility that pleased God, says St. Bernard. And won't it be your haughtiness, your pomp, your proud ways that demerit you so many graces from Mary and Jesus? Ask and practice humility.

PRACTICE. - It was revealed to St. Matilde to recite thirty Ave Maria today, in deference to the Virgin Child.