Practical devotion of the day: how to use the language well

dumb. Consider how worthy of compassion those who lack the ability to speak are: they would like to express themselves and cannot; he would like to confide himself to others, but in vain he tries to loosen his tongue, only with signs can he imperfectly manifest his will. But you too could have been born mute: how come you were granted the gift of speech, and not the mute? Because in you nature, regulated by God, had its fulfillment. Thank the Lord.

Advantages of the language. You speak and meanwhile the tongue responds to your thought and reveals the most hidden things of your mind: it paints the pain that embitters your heart, the joy that pleases your soul, and this so vividly and with all the speed that do you want. It is obedient to your will, and you speak loudly, softly, slowly, all as you want. It is a permanent miracle of God's omnipotence. If we think about it, wouldn't we have a reason to always think about God and love him?

Well produced by the tongue. God said a single fiat and the world was created; Mary also pronounced a fiat, and Jesus became incarnate in her womb; at the word of the Apostles the world was converted; the only word: I baptize you, I absolve you, in the Sacraments, what a profound transformation, what good it produces in souls! The word in prayer, in sermons, in exhortations, what does it not get from God and from men! What are you doing with the language? What good do you do with it?

PRACTICE. - Do not offend God with your tongue: recite the Te Deum.