Practical devotion of the day: the gift of the council

Tricks of perdition

The heart of man is a mystery; in how many ways it can get lost! How many ways you can attack! How many times an occasion, a temptation, a word, a hundred times innocent, a bad day made us fall! The devil, cunning, crawls unnoticed, hides his head and ruthlessly assails. Simulate the angel of light, take the cloak of pity, wear the lamb's fleece ... Beware: they are tricks of perdition.

Gift from the Council

With the Fortress you resist the open battles of the enemy, with the Council the pitfalls and occult plots of the devil (S. Bern.) Are disappointed. By obtaining a light from above, it makes us see the time, the place, the circumstances of each thing; he discovers the dangers, the deceptions; and, like the column of the Jews in the desert, it illuminates us in the darkness of this world and does not allow us to lose the way to paradise. How useful, indeed, the gift of the Council is useful! Without it, how many times have you been wrong!

Little esteem for this gift

In doubts, dangers, uncertainties, do you turn to the Divine Spirit, or do you not rather rely on human means, your ingenuity, your ability? In the election of a state, in the darkness of conscience, in the direction of life, do you pray for the gift of the Council? Do you trust the representatives of God, who are light of the world, or do you trust yourself, your pride? Don't be presumptuous!

PRACTICE. - Offer not to do anything important without prayer and without consulting the spiritual director; reads the Veni Creator.