Practical Devotion of the Day: Imitating the Hope of the Magi

Hope, firm in its principles. If it had been enough for them to stay at home or walk a short walk to find the newborn King, their virtue would have been little; but the Magi embarked on a long, uncertain journey, following only the traces of a star, perhaps also overcoming opposition and obstacles. How do we behave in the face of difficulties, even small ones, that hinder the path of virtue? Let's think about it before God.

Hope, great in its time. The star disappeared near Jerusalem; and there they did not find the divine Child; Herod knew nothing about it; the priests were cold but sent them to Bethlehem; nevertheless the hope of the Magi did not waver. The life of the Christian is a tangle of contrariety, of thorns, of darkness, of aridity; hope never forsake us: can God not conquer everything? Let us always remember that the time of the test is short!

Hope, consoled in its purpose. Whoever seeks, finds, says the Gospel. The Magi found more than they hoped for. They sought an earthly king, they found a heavenly King; they looked for a man, they found a Man - God; they wanted to pay homage to a child, they found the heavenly King, the source of virtues and their holiness. If we persevere in Christian hope, we will find all good in Heaven. Down here too, who ever hoped for God's goodness and was disappointed? Let us revive our hope.

PRACTICE. - Drive distrust from the heart, and often say: Lord, increase faith, hope and charity in me