Practical devotion of the day: charity according to St. Vincent de Paul


1. Internal charity. What a sweet life, to live loving the dearest object of our heart! In love consists holiness; in seeking in all the will of God, the taste of God, perfection consists, said St. Vincent. What a furnace of love was the heart of this Saint who sought, wanted, loved only God! By celebrating Mass, its only aspect kidnapped us with devotion, it inflamed with love of God. Measure your love. What lukewarmness! What a chill!

2. External charity. Nothing is impossible for lovers of God. St. Vincent, poor but confident m God, provided for all kinds of needy. Nobody left him disconsolate. At almost eighty years of age, instead of resting, he still burned with an apostolic spirit and worked tirelessly for the benefit of his neighbor. Meditate what charity you use with your neighbor: how you help him with work and money. Remember that Jesus said: to He who uses charity, he will find charity ”.

3. Sweet and humble charity. So much was the goodness, the gentleness, the affability of St. Vincent, who wrote of him that "if Sales had not been the angel of sweetness, Yes, Vincent would have been the most beautiful example". Does your sweetness also build others? St. Vincent kept as a saint, he believed himself to be nothing, humiliated himself at the feet of all and honors could do nothing on his heart. It is always like this: whoever humbles himself will be exalted. You, superb, will you not be humbled? Learn once to become humble to make yourself a saint.

PRACTICE. - Exercise charity gently in all your actions; three Pater al Santo to obtain charity.