Practical Devotion of the Day: Perseverance in Prayer

Perseverance wins every heart. Perseverance is called the most difficult of virtues and the greatest of earthly graces. For bad and for good, whoever lasts wins. The devil perseveres in tempting us day and night, and unfortunately he overcomes it. If a passion keeps you constant, after ten years of fighting, it is rare that you do not give up. Can you possibly resist those who persevere in asking you something? Perseverance always wins.

Perseverance triumphs from God. God himself let us know with the parable of the unjust judge, who, to put an end to the persevering harassment of women, surrendered to do her justice; with the parable of the friend who knocks at midnight looking for three loaves, and obtains them with perseverance in asking; and the Canaanite by dint of constantly shouting for mercy after Jesus, was she not heard? Do you like the beggar: who never tires of asking, and is granted.

Why is God late in comforting us? He promised to hear us, but he said neither today nor tomorrow: his measure is the best for us and his greatest glory; therefore do not get tired, do not say it is useless to pray more, do not keep silent God almost deaf and not caring about you ...; just say it's not your best. God deferred to grant us, says St. Augustine, to kindle our desires, to oblige us to pray more and to console us later with the abundance of his gifts. Promise to be persistent in your prayers, even when they are not answered.

PRACTICE. - In the Name and for the Heart of Jesus he asks for some particular grace today.