Practical Devotion of the Day: The Power of the Blessed Sacrament

Jesus prisoner of love. Knock on the door of the Tabernacle with lively faith, listen attentively: who is in there? It is me, replies Jesus, your friend, your Father, your God: I am here for you. Although blessed in Heaven, I hide under the Eucharistic veils, I enter this prison, I reduce myself here a prisoner of love. But, behind the little door, I wait, look ... Why don't you come to me?

Desires of Jesus in the sacrament. A sigh sends Jesus from prison: Silfo. I thirst for adoration, for love, for hearts; hey quenches me? I am reduced like the solitary sparrow: what a desert around me! I am the source of life: come to me those who work and are tired, I will refresh you. Come and see if your Lord is sweet and sweet ... Who listens to these voices? We run to the pleasures, to the entertainment! How many come to Jesus? You too go after the world, and forget Jesus! ...

Daily visits. How beautiful, holy and profitable is the habit of visiting the Sacrament every evening! After the distractions, the troubles of the day, how dear to Jesus and how sweet it must be for us to take a few moments of rest within Jesus! The Saverio, the Alacoque, S. Filippo stayed there overnight. Some saints, at least from their homes, turned towards the church, and from afar they worshiped the SS. Sacrament. St. Stanislaus Kostka, in the church parure, prayed to the Guardian Angel to adore Jesus for him. You don't have time ... Or rather you lack the will! ...

PRACTICE. - Visit the SS. Sacrament; says the Pange lingua or at least the Tantum ergo