Practical Devotion of the Day: Prayer

Whoever prays is saved. It is not already that prayer is enough without right intention, without the Sacraments, without good works, no; but experience proves that a soul, although sinful, indolent, misled by good, if it retains the habit of praying, sooner or later is converted and saved. Hence the insistent saying of S. Alfonso; Who prays is saved; hence the tricks of the devil who, in order to bring the right to evil, first disavows him from prayer. Be cautious, never stop praying.

Those who do not pray are not saved. A miracle can certainly convert even the greatest sinners; but the Lord does not abound in miracles; and no one can expect them. But, with so many temptations, amidst so many dangers, so incapable of good, so weak to every shock of passions, how to resist, how to win, how to save ourselves? St. Alphonsus wrote: If you stop praying, your damnation will be certain. - Whoever does not pray is damned! Here is a good sign whether you will be saved yes or no: prayer.

Command of Jesus. In the Gospel you find very frequent the invitation and the order to pray: “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you; who asks, receives, and who seeks, finds; it is always necessary to pray and never get tired; watch and pray so as not to succumb to temptation; whatever you want, ask and it will be granted to you ”. But what was the point of Jesus' insistence if praying were not necessary to save oneself? And you pray? How much do you pray? How do you pray?

PRACTICE. - Always say prayers morning and evening. In temptations, he invokes God's help.