Practical Devotion of the Day: Discovering Mary's Death, Glories and Virtues

Death of Mary. Imagine finding yourself next to Mary's bed together with the Apostles; contemplates the sweet, modest, peaceful features of Mary who is in agony. Listen to her sighs to be able to reach her God, her desires to embrace her Jesus again. It is not pain that kills her, but Love that consumes her. The righteous died in love, the martyrs for love, Mary dies of God's love. And how will I die?

Glory of Mary. Contemplates Mary in the arms of the Angels rising to Heaven; the Saints come to meet her and greet her Most Holy, the Angels proclaim her Queen, Jesus blesses her Mother, the SS. Trinity crowns her Queen of Heaven and of the universe. If the glory and enjoyments of the Saints are ineffable, what will become of Mary? If the dignity of Mother of God borders on infinity, the reward must be corresponding. How great is Mary in Heaven! Don't you open our hearts to trust in you?

Virtue of Mary. Meditate on what confidence you must place in Mary, knowing that she is so close to God and so willing to use the treasures of the Heart of God that she can dispose of to your advantage. Even more: he meditates that for Mary too the way to triumph and glory was that of humiliation, suffering and persevering virtue. Pray to Mary, trust in her, but say more imitate her in the humility which is the foundation of the exaltation in heaven. Pray her today to get them Heaven.

PRACTICE. - Live in the love of God, to die in the love of God, like Maria SS.