Practical Devotion of the Day: Looking Like Jesus

He was making progress in front of men. Instead of astounding the world with splendid wonders, he wanted to grow little by little, like the light of the dawn, and in his good examples men saw virtue in continuous increase. Do good, says Saint Gregory, even in public, to incite others to imitate you and to glorify the Lord in you; but the world unfortunately sees our evils, impatience, anger, injustice, and perhaps never our virtue… Isn't that your case?

Jesus' progress was continuous. It has no value, starting well and holding on for a while if then you lose heart and perseverance fails ... Jesus, in the manifestation of science, goodness, charity, in the sacrifice of himself, in the well everyone, he progressed continuously until his death. Why are you so fickle in good? Do not tire of climbing the steep mountain of virtue; two more steps, and you will be on the top, happy for eternity.

The likeness of Jesus mirrors his heart. The man's underwear is revealed by the expression on his face; and the order and the harmony of the semblant paint what his heart is. The sweet expression of Jesus revealed his sweet heart; tireless activity spoke of zeal; the burning eyes discovered the inner fire of love. Don't our external disorder, our coldness reveal the disorder and the lukewarmness of our heart?

PRACTICE. - Recite three Gloria Patri, and always a good example for the love of Jesus