Practical devotion: daily bread, sanctify work

The bread of today. To take away the excessive concern for the future, the fear of tomorrow, the fear that you lack the necessary, God commands you to ask for bread every day, putting yourself back to him for what is necessary in the future. Enough for each day its pain. Who can tell you if you'll be alive tomorrow? You know well that you are dust that a breath of wind disperses. Are you therefore solicitous for the soul as you are for the body, for substances?

Our bread. You ask not yours, but ours. which hints at Christian fraternity; yes he asks for bread for all; and, if the Lord abounds with the rich, he should remember that the bread is not his but ours, then the obligation to share it with the poor man. We ask for our bread, not the stuff of others that so many desire and seek by all means! YES he asks for bread, not luxury, not sensuality, not abuse of God's gifts. Don't you complain about your state? Didn't I envy others?

Daily bread, but with work. Riches are not prohibited, but the attack on them. You are under obligation to work by not expecting unnecessary miracles; but, when you have done your utmost, why don't you rely on Providence? Did the Jews lack manna one day in the 40 years of the desert? How much confidence shows to God who for the body and for the soul defer to him in everything, asking only for today what is necessary! Do you have such confidence?

PRACTICE. - Learn to live for the day; do not be idle; in the rest: My God, you do.