Extraordinary devotion revealed directly by Jesus

“I will grant thanks without number to those who recite this chaplet, because the use of my passion moves the intimate of my Mercy. When you recite it, you bring humanity closer to me.
The souls who pray to me with these words will be enveloped by my Mercy for their whole life and in a special way at the moment of death.
Invite souls to recite this chaplet and I will give them what they ask for. If sinners recite it, I will fill their soul with the peace of forgiveness and make their death happy.
Priests recommend it to those who live in sin as a table of salvation. Even the most hardened sinner, reciting, even if only once this Chaplet, will receive some grace from my Mercy.
Write that when this Chaplet is recited next to a dying person, I will place myself between that soul and my Father, not as a just judge, but as a savior. My infinite mercy will embrace that soul in consideration of the sufferings of my Passion ”.

promises made by the Lord Santa Faustina Kowalska

Our father
Ave Maria

On the grains of the Our Father
the following prayer is said:

Eternal Father, I offer you the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity
of Your most beloved Son and our Lord Jesus Christ
in expiation for our sins and those of the whole world.

On the grains of Ave Maria
the following prayer is said:

For your painful passion
have mercy on us and the whole world.

At the end of the crown
please three times:

Holy God, Holy Fort, Holy Immortal
have mercy on us and the whole world.