Joyful devotions of Mary: prayer that helps you to feel alive

A devotion made of life, soul and heart that helps me to feel free from pain and close to the long awaited and desired inner peace. So that our eternal father may ask us to get closer to him and his beloved mother. Every single written word creates in me an uncontrollable passion for the holy Church, created for us and to feel closer to our most holy creators.

It was chosen from the beginning to bring love and joy to the earth through the birth of our Messiah. In this prayer that I write I want to praise and remember some of the joys of our Blessed Virgin Mary who deserves love and infinite joy.

I. Rejoice, o Mary full of graces, who, greeted by the Angel, conceived the Divine Word in your virginal womb with an infinite joy of your most holy soul. Ave

II. Rejoice, O Mary who filled with the Holy Spirit, and carried away by a strong desire to sanctify the Divine Forerunner, you embarked on such a disastrous journey, crossing the high mountains of Judea. To visit your relative Elizabeth, from whom you were filled with magnificent praises. And in whose presence, raised in spirit you published with the most energetic words the glory of your God. Ave 

III. Rejoice, ever virgin Mary, that without any pain you gave birth to the Son of God. Announced by the blessed spirits, adored by the shepherds and honored by the kings, that divine Messiah you so desired for your common health. Ave 

IV. Rejoice, O Ancella della SS. Trinity, for the joy that you feel and enjoy in Paradise, because all the graces you ask of your Divine son are immediately granted to you, indeed, as Saint Bernard says, grace is not granted down here on earth that does not pass first to your most holy ones hands. Ave 

V. Rejoice, Most Serene Princess, because you alone deserved to sit at the right hand of your most holy Son, who sits at the right hand of the Eternal Father. Ave 

YOU. Rejoice, o Hope of sinners, refuge of the tribulated, for the joy that you enjoy in Heaven, because all those who praise and reverence you, the Eternal Father will reward them in this world with his most holy grace, and in the other with his most holy glory. Ave 

VII. Rejoice, O Mother, Daughter and Spouse of God, because all the graces, all the joys, the joys and favors that you enjoy in Paradise will never be diminished, rather they will increase until the day of Judgment, and will last for all the centuries and centuries. . So be it. Ave, Gloria

I thank you Mary for having welcomed, listened to and accepted the archangel Gabriel. He was sent by our God for the most holy birth of our Messiah Jesus Christ. I thank you, Mary, for having welcomed the Holy Spirit and for having reached Elizabeth crossing the mountains of Judea. Finally, I thank you, O always virgin Mary, for having given birth to the son of God.

Now that you sit on the right hand of your child you can enjoy eternal peace, because God will give grace to those who pray to you and eternal life in the world of heaven to those who follow you. My heart follows in the footsteps of your holy deeds, which you did with so much love, in order to save the world from sin. In this devotion I pray to you for my soul, for my salvation and for my earthly life. Amen