Ten useful tips to practice to get rid of evil

Personal conversion and decisive rapprochement with God: this is what God primarily wants. For example, if there is an irregular life situation, it is necessary to change radically. In particular, situations of cohabitation outside marriage (especially if one comes from a previous religious marriage), sex outside marriage, sexual impurity (masturbation), perversion, etc. prevent liberation.

- Forgive everyone, especially those who have caused us the greatest evils and suffering. It can be a really difficult effort to ask God to help us forgive these people but it is essential if we want to heal and be freed. There are countless testimonies of one's own healing and that of others after having forgiven heartily those who had done wrong. A further step forward would be to reconcile personally with the person who caused us suffering, endeavoring to forget the evil suffered (cf. Mk 11,25:XNUMX).

- Be vigilant and carefully manage all those areas of life that are more difficult to control: vices, drives, bad inclinations, some feelings such as anger, resentment, heated criticism, slander, sad thoughts, because precisely these situations can become privileged channels from which the Evil one can enter.

- Give up any power and occult bond (and any related practice), any form of superstition, to attend seers, gurus, magnetizers, pseudo-healers, sects or alternative religious movements (e.g. New Age), etc.

- Daily recitation of the Holy Rosary (in full): the Devil trembles and flees in front of the invocation of Mary who has the power to crush his head. It is also important to recite various types of prayers daily, from classic to those of liberation, focusing on those that seem more effective or that are more difficult to pronounce (the Evil one tries to deviate from the recitation of those that bother him most).

- Mass (daily if possible): if you participate in it actively it represents a very powerful ministry of healing and liberation.

- Frequent confession: if well done without deliberately leaving anything out, it is very effective in cutting any relationship and dependence with the Evil One. This is why he seeks all possible obstacles to prevent confession and, if it does, to make us confess badly. We try to eliminate any reluctance towards confession such as: "I have not killed anyone", "the Priest is someone like me, perhaps even worse", "I confess myself directly with God" etc. These are all apologies suggested by the devil for not making you confess. We remember well that the Priest is a man like everyone who will answer for his possible wrong actions (he does not have an assured Paradise), but he has also been invested by Jesus with a particular authority to wash souls from sin. God accepts sincere repentance for something wrong at all times (and infinitely if necessary), but the actualization of this occurs with the sacramental confession of the Priest who is his exclusive minister (cf. Mt 16,18: 19-18,18; 20,19 , 23; Jn 13-10). Let us reflect on the fact that not even Mary Most Holy and the Angels have the power to directly remit sins like the Priests, Jesus wanted to leave only his own power to them, it is a grandiose reality in front of which even the Curé of Ars himself he bowed saying: “If there were no Priest, the passion and death of Jesus would be of no use… What good would a treasure chest full of gold be, when there were no one to open it? The priest has the key to heavenly treasures ... Who makes Jesus descend into the white hosts? Who puts Jesus in our Tabernacles? Who gives Jesus to our souls? Who purifies our hearts in order to receive Jesus? ... The Priest, only the Priest. He is the "minister of the Tabernacle" (Heb. 2, 5), is the "minister of reconciliation" (18Cor. 1, 7), is the "minister of Jesus for the brothers" (Col. 1, 4), is the "dispenser of divine mysteries" (1Cor. XNUMX, XNUMX).

Therefore I invite everyone to experience and personally verify the power of the Blood of Christ, which washes away from every sin and regenerates to new life giving a deep sense of peace and joy. In the Catechism of the Catholic Church it is rightly defined as a "healing sacrament".

- The Eucharist. Communion frequently is very important because it is Jesus who comes materially and spiritually to live and take up residence in us. It is important to remember that to do this one must be in a state of grace, that is, not having committed any mortal sin (mortal sin = serious thing + full warning + free consent) otherwise a prior confession is necessary. Eating and drinking the Body and Blood of Christ unworthily indeed increases one's condemnation (cf. 1 Cor 11,29:2,20). The Eucharist has the power to free us from evil presence and to heal us physically and psychically; it is in fact Jesus himself who merges into our flesh and our spirit so that we no longer live but He lives in us (cf. Gal XNUMX:XNUMX).

- Fasting. It is very important to fast to draw strength against Satan. The best fast is that of bread and water made every Wednesday and Friday. The essential fasting to practice is that of all sins. This does not constitute an alternative to fasting food, as both must be carried out in parallel to strengthen both the body and the spirit against temptations and weaknesses of all kinds. Remember that the three enemies of man are: the Devil, the world, the flesh; constant fasting over time makes us strong against each of them and gets us used to material deprivations and beyond.

- Reading the Bible. The Bible is the word of God and is permeated with a spiritual power that we cannot even imagine. It is God himself who continues to act over the centuries through his words and to teach us the true doctrine. Although at the beginning of the journey, reading may seem boring and difficult, over time the Holy Spirit will give grace to understand and appreciate what before seemed incomprehensible and confused. Every time we read the words of Jesus it is as if he himself pronounced them, with all the benefits linked to his real presence.

On a journey of liberation, continuous contact with the Holy Scriptures assumes great importance, which cannot be replaced by prayers or anything else, because the Word reaches the depths of man, in the most hidden folds of the interior, scrutinizes the feelings and thoughts of the heart where the Evil one insinuates himself with his machinations.

- Eucharistic adoration. Jesus exposed in the Blessed Sacrament constitutes a source of inexhaustible graces for those who go before him in adoration. Often a simple and sincere visit to church is also very welcome even when it is not publicly exposed; how many people cross the entrance threshold and do not deign to consider Him who is King of the universe and physically present in the species of a piece of bread inside the tabernacle of each church ...

- The exorcism made by an exorcist priest who received this mandate from the Bishop. Only the exorcist is authorized to carry out exorcisms on the possessed and to dialogue with the demons for a cause aimed at the liberation of the oppressed person.

- Liberation prayers made by accredited members of prayer groups. There are various groups and communities belonging to the Catholic Charismatic Renewal "who are" specialized "in the prayers of liberation for brothers in difficulty. The people who make up these groups must not be exchanged with the scammers and occult operators previously mentioned, but they are simply people who meet in communities recognized and accredited by the Church with the aim of praising the Lord and invoking the descent of the Holy Spirit . There are various categories of people, both secular and religious, and the incessant activity of praise to God and adoration entails the manifestation of the charisms or extraordinary gifts of the Holy Spirit who not infrequently decide to heal or free a particular person. There are also cases of people who have received a particular gift of liberation from God that allows them to have a lot of strength in driving out evil spirits.

Further help comes from the use of holy water and exorcised salt and oil, called "sacramentals". While the blessed water has the purpose of obtaining, during the sprinkling, three benefits: the forgiveness of sins, the defense from the Evil one, the divine protection, the exorcised water also has the power to make every evil power escape so as to eradicate it and kick her out. The exorcised salt is often used to be placed on the doorstep or in the corners in cases of infestation while the exorcised oil is mainly used to anoint the sick with a cross mark so that the disease, if of diabolical origin, disappears. Any priest can exorcise these elements, it is not necessary to be an exorcist. It is important for those who use it to remember that they must be used with faith and prayer and not as magical tools when you would fall into a serious error of superstition. These substances (called Sacramentals, because they are a subsidy to the Sacraments) can also be placed (raw) in food or drink (in the case of water). If afterwards strange reactions occur (vomiting, diarrhea, etc.) it means that the subject has been the victim of an invoice by drinking or eating something wronged. Over time and prolonged use, the invoice will be expelled.