God is great: the unexpected conversion of the boy who wanted to kill people

If we began the article by saying “the ragazzo that he wanted to kill” we would all think of a monster. Too often we hear stories of boys and girls who take the lives of unknown people, relatives and friends without giving it the slightest weight, without hesitation, without remorse.


Today, we want to talk about conversion miraculous of a boy killer. This story should make us reflect and think, it should make each of us pause and ask ourselves: what is behind a boy who destroys his life and that of others?

This is the right question. Behind today's cruel boy or man, there was a child, a child to whom life has reserved lack of love, loneliness and hatred. No one is born bad it is life that during his journey transforms you into who you are.

killer boy

As he tells his story Sonnfred Baptiste he cries in despair. Sonnfred grew up with his grandmother, without the figure and love of a family, without the guidance of a father who was always absent. TO 15 years for the first time he is sent to prison and returns home at the age of 20 years. He lived on Sonnfred street, commanded the people of the invisible and threatened anyone with death, he didn't care that they were women, children, not even his mother would have stopped him. Nobody wanted him near.

A year ago he was arrested for having shot, after an argument, to a motorist. The victim's son was sitting in the back seat of the car. In prison, the man thought about all the pain he had caused his wife and children and could no longer handle it.

Memory picture

The boy's conversion to God

One day he attended a retreat for liberation where there was a message preached with the presence of God. As the pastor read the sermon on unforgiveness, Sonnfred, heard the voice of God and tears streamed down his face. At that moment he thought of the children who would be left without a father if anything happened to them, just as it had happened to him. He was scared, he didn't want his family to suffer.

After that retreat the boy felt light-hearted, now he had a new head, a new heart to love people, to pray for them. Sonnfred finally felt free, blessed, God had given him a new body, a new mind and a new life.

Everyone stayed incredulous in seeing the boy's profound change starting from his wife and children. Now Sonnfred has put things right, he has a life, he prays every morning with his children and God is always by his side. Now he is no longer an invisible man.