God why did you take my son? Because?

God why did you take my son? Because?

My dear daughter, I am your God, Eternal Father and creator of everything. Your pain is great, you mourn the loss of your son, a fruit of your limbs. You must know that your son is with me. You must know that your son is my son and you are my daughter. I am a good Father who wants good for each of you, I want eternal life. Now you ask me "why I took your son". Your son was thought to come to me since his creation. I have done no wrong, no wrong. Since his creation, at a young age, he was destined to come to me. Since its creation I had set the last date on this earth. Your son has set an example that few and few give. When I create these creatures that young people leave the world, you create them good, as an example for men. They are men who sow love on this earth, sow peace and serenity among the brothers.
Your son has not been taken away from you but lives forever, lives in life with the Saints. Even though detachment can be painful for you, you cannot understand and understand its joy. If he was esteemed and loved by everyone in this life, now he shines like a star in the sky, his light is eternal in Paradise. You have to understand that real life is not in this world, real life is with me, in the eternal sky. I did not take away your son, I am not a God who takes away but gives and enriches. I have not taken away your son but I have given him true life and I have sent you, even if for a short time, an example to follow as love in this world. Do not Cry! Your son is not dead, but lives, lives forever. You must be serene and confident that your son lives in the ranks of Saints and intercedes for each of you. Now that he lives next to me, he asks constant thanks for you, he asks for peace and love for each of you. He is now here next to me and says to you “Mum don't worry I live and I love you as I've always loved you. Even if you don't see me I live and love as I did on earth, indeed my love is perfect and eternal here ”.
So my daughter, don't be afraid. Your child's life has not been taken away or finished but only transformed. I am your God, I am your Father, I am close to you in pain and I accompany you every step. You now think that I am a distant God, that I do not care for my children, that I punish the good. But I love all men, I love you and if even now you live in pain I do not abandon you but I live your own pain as a good and merciful Father. I didn't want to hit your life with evil but to my favorite children I give the crosses that they can bear for the good of all men. Love as always you loved. Love how you loved your son. He must not change your person for the loss of a loved one, indeed you must give more love and understand that your God does the best for you. I don't punish but I do good for everyone. Even for your son who, despite having left this world, now shines with eternity, with true light, a light that he could never have on this earth. Your son lives fullness, your son lives eternal grace without end. If you could understand the great and only mystery that your son lives now you would overflow with joy. My daughter I have not taken away your son but I have given a Saint to Heaven who pours grace on men and prays for each of you. I did not take away your son but I gave birth to your son, eternal life, endless life, love of a good Father. You ask me "God why did you take my son?" I reply "I didn't take your son but I gave life, peace, joy, eternity, love to your son. Things that nobody on earth could give him even you who were his mother. His life in this world is over but his real life is eternal in Heaven. I love you, your Father.

Written by Paolo Tescione
Catholic blogger