Messages from God the Father June 17 2020

My dear son, I came to say that you must believe in me. Today I want every man to believe in me and understand that it was created by God and to God he must return. You cannot live in this world only for the material without believing in Heaven, the soul and in your God.

Today write what I tell you and make it known all over the world. Avoid all forms of discussion and doubt about my existence. Today I came to tell you that I am, that I exist, that I am your creator and Father and that I am looking for you with all my heart. Dear my beloved children, believe in me with all your heart.

Do not think that your sins, your evils, your omissions can take you away from me. I am your Father, I am always close to you and seek eternal life for each of you. Even if you are a sinner and now you have to die do not fear for your life, you will live forever with me.

I am not a Father who condemns but who loves all his children starting from the most distant to the beloved. I love you all equally my beloved children. Please, believe in me without a doubt.

Written by Paolo Tescione