Divine Mercy: the reflection of April 12, 2020

Communion with the Trinity must be the central purpose of our life. And although we can converse and say their words, the deepest form of communication is beyond words. It is a union, a gift of ourselves and a bask in their mercy. Knowing and conversing with the Trinity must take place in the depths of our souls through a language understood in a way that words cannot contain (See Diary n. 472).

Do you know god? Do you know the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit? Are you in daily communion with them, talking to them, listening to them? Reflect on your knowledge of the Divine Persons of the Trinity. Everyone "speaks" in his own way. Everyone calls you, communicating with you, loving you. Let your soul know the People of the Holy Trinity. A relationship with Them will satisfy your soul's deepest desires.

Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, please come and dwell in my soul. Help me to know you and love you deep in my being. I want to be in communion with you and listen to you speak your mysterious language of love. Holy Trinity, I trust in you.