Divine Mercy: reflection of April 13, 2020

Prayer is essential for our Christian journey. When you pray, it is good to speak from the heart, to pour your soul out to God. But prayer must also follow your faith and everything you know about God. It must reflect your true knowledge of God and invoke His Mercy. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is one of these prayers that perfectly reflects your faith in the Mercy of God. (See Diary n. 475-476).

Do you pray? Do you pray every day? Is your prayer centered on faith and truth, allowing you to continually invoke the Mercy of God? If you don't pray to the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, try it every day for a week. Be faithful and trust in the faith revealed in the spoken words. You will see the doors of Mercy open if you commit yourself to this prayer.

Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of your beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in expiation for our sins and those of the whole world. For his painful passion, have mercy on us and the whole world. Jesus I believe in you.