Divine Mercy: reflection of 29 March 2020

There are so many souls who need our prayers and need the Mercy of God. These are those souls who are steadfast in their sin. We could pray for them, but it seems to have little effect. What can we do more? Sometimes the biggest intercession we can make is a heart full of the most generous love. We must diligently strive to have the purest and most relentless love for these souls. God will see this love and turn his gaze of love upon him as a result of the love he sees in our hearts (See diary no. 383).

Who is that person who so badly needs the Mercy of God? Is there a family member, colleague, neighbor or friend who appears to be stubborn towards God and his mercy? Engage in the most generous love you can offer to that person and give it to God as your intercession. Allow God to look at this person through your love.

Lord, so often I can't love how you want me to love. I am selfish and critical of others. Soften my heart and then put the most generous love I have ever felt in my heart. Help me to address that love to those who most need your Divine Mercy. Jesus I believe in you.